Blast Mesh Editor is a simple tool for viewing/editing/creating Blast Assets .
1 Toolbar - Blast mesh Processing actions.
2 Preview depth - allow to select chunks to render depending on its depth. If Leaves selected all chunks without children will be rendered.
3 Explosion Amount slider - adjust the distance between Blast Mesh origin and chunk’s render position.
4 Viewport - Blast mesh rendering.
5 Selection Filter - widget for fast chunk selection.
6 Chunk tree - shows chunk hierarchy.
7 Chunk properties
8 Blast Mesh Settings
9 Fracture Settings - General and selected fracture method settings.
10 Preview Settings - Allow to adjust viewport settings like lighting, background etc.
If you have a Blast Asset generated by AuthoringTool, ArtistTool or another tool, you can import it by pressing the Import button in Content Browser and selecting the appropriate *.blast file (or just dragging a *.blast file into Content Browser). You will see the import dialog. Note that *.blast files do not contain mesh geometry and you should also provide the *.fbx file which was generated with it.
Currently only importing of *.blast file with lowlevel asset in it is supported, so if you use one of the tools mentioned above (from Blast SDK) make sure it exports the lowlevel asset (usually it is –ll flag).
Authoring tool call example: AuthoringTool_x64.exe –proto –fbx –fbxcollision –ll ball.fbx ball
Apex importer call example: ApexImporter_x64.exe –fbx –fbxcollision –ll -n table -o D:Assets -f table.apb
AuthoringTool can generate assets with or without collision geometry. If your .fbx does not contain collision geometry, uncheck the *Import Collision Geometry option. The UE4 FbxImporter will generate it instead. Note: it may take a lot of time.
Creating new Blast Asset from static mesh - right click on static mesh in Content Browser and select Create Blast Mesh
Import root chunk for current asset - open Blast Mesh Editor and click on:
Default UE4 Veiwport camera control is supported.
The user can select chunks by clicking on them (hold Ctrl for multiple selection). Bounding boxes will be drawn for selected chunks.
Rendering settings can be adjusted in the Preview Settings tab.
User may pick vector in viewport for fracture parameters of FVector type by clicking on at the right of parameter in Fracture Settings tab.
Next toolbar should appear at the top right corner of viewport:
There is 4 methods for picking vector:
Chunks can be selected from Viewport, from Chunk Tree or by Selection filter. To clear the selection, just click in some empty space of Viewport or Chunk Tree.
Select appropriate selection options and press Apply for selecting chunks. Clear will reset selection options to default.
Each node corresponds to a chunk in Blast Asset. Node name shows chunk’s ID and Depth. Root chunk’s ID will always be equal to 0. Chunk Depth is the distance in tree between the current chunk and the root chunk. Chunk’s icons exhibit some properties of chunk:
The static flag can be set or unset from the Chunk Tree context menu. Note: parents of static chunks also become static chunks.
For authoring, the user should select chunk(s), setup Fracture Settings and click on:
Note: Currently, Blast Mesh does not store intermediate fracture data, only the resulting fracture. The user should always start the authoring session from the root chunk.
The user can save/load default values of Fracture Settings by clicking Save As Default and Load Default under Advanced section of General settings.
Voronoi fracturing is based on generating Voronoi cells from cloud of internal points. Generation anisotropic and rotated cells is supported. There is many ways to generate cloud of points in Blast Mesh Editor.
General Voronoi Settings
Simple uniform Voronoi fracturing. Try this first!
Specified number of clusters will be generated in volume. Most of cells will be generated inside cluster (cluster is a sphere with specified radius).
Generates sites for Voronoi fracture with radial pattern.
Basically the same as Clustered Voronoi with Cluster Count = 1, but user can interactively pick location for the sphere center.
Remove Voronoi sites in sphere located in picked position with specified probability.
Cut chunk with grid like pattern.
By enabling noise faces between chunks become non planar (noised).
It allows to split chunk(s) with specified plane. Noise can be applied to this plane, see Noise.
Cut chunk with user specified pattern. Pattern is a texture where black regions assumed as chunks projections and white lines are boundaries between projections.
Note: this boundaries should be closed to each other or to texture boundaries.
Noise can be applied to this fracture, see Noise.
Below pattern of brick wall and resulting fracture:
If you want to remove all children for selected chunk(s). Just pick it in Chunk tree and click on or right click on chunk in tree and select Remove children in context menu. To remove fracture completely select root chunk.
For better chunk hierarchy (see Authoring Recommendations)user might try to optimize fracture by clicking on
By default UV coordinates stretched from 0 to 1 for mesh cube bounding box. All children UVs mapped from corresponding UVs of this box.
User may adjust the UV coordinates scale by clicking on .
By default collision mesh for each chunks is just a single convex hull. It might be a problem for complex geometry. So user can perform convex decomposition by clicking on for all or for selected chunks.
Also there is an option for uniting chunks and building chunk hierarchy. Just click on