A scene is a collection of bodies and constraints which can interact. More...
#include <PxScene.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | addActor (PxActor &actor, const PxBVHStructure *bvhStructure=NULL)=0 |
Adds an actor to this scene. More... | |
virtual void | addActors (PxActor *const *actors, PxU32 nbActors)=0 |
Adds actors to this scene. More... | |
virtual void | addActors (const PxPruningStructure &pruningStructure)=0 |
Adds a pruning structure together with its actors to this scene. More... | |
virtual void | removeActor (PxActor &actor, bool wakeOnLostTouch=true)=0 |
Removes an actor from this scene. More... | |
virtual void | removeActors (PxActor *const *actors, PxU32 nbActors, bool wakeOnLostTouch=true)=0 |
Removes actors from this scene. More... | |
virtual void | addAggregate (PxAggregate &aggregate)=0 |
Adds an aggregate to this scene. More... | |
virtual void | removeAggregate (PxAggregate &aggregate, bool wakeOnLostTouch=true)=0 |
Removes an aggregate from this scene. More... | |
virtual void | addCollection (const PxCollection &collection)=0 |
Adds objects in the collection to this scene. More... | |
virtual PxReal | getWakeCounterResetValue () const =0 |
Returns the wake counter reset value. More... | |
virtual void | shiftOrigin (const PxVec3 &shift)=0 |
Shift the scene origin by the specified vector. More... | |
virtual PxPvdSceneClient * | getScenePvdClient ()=0 |
Returns the Pvd client associated with the scene. More... | |
Add/Remove Contained Objects | |
virtual void | addArticulation (PxArticulationBase &articulation)=0 |
Adds an articulation to this scene. More... | |
virtual void | removeArticulation (PxArticulationBase &articulation, bool wakeOnLostTouch=true)=0 |
Removes an articulation from this scene. More... | |
Contained Object Retrieval | |
virtual PxU32 | getNbActors (PxActorTypeFlags types) const =0 |
Retrieve the number of actors of certain types in the scene. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getActors (PxActorTypeFlags types, PxActor **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0 |
Retrieve an array of all the actors of certain types in the scene. More... | |
virtual PxActor ** | getActiveActors (PxU32 &nbActorsOut)=0 |
Queries the PxScene for a list of the PxActors whose transforms have been updated during the previous simulation step. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getNbArticulations () const =0 |
Returns the number of articulations in the scene. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getArticulations (PxArticulationBase **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0 |
Retrieve all the articulations in the scene. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getNbConstraints () const =0 |
Returns the number of constraint shaders in the scene. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getConstraints (PxConstraint **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0 |
Retrieve all the constraint shaders in the scene. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getNbAggregates () const =0 |
Returns the number of aggregates in the scene. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getAggregates (PxAggregate **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0 |
Retrieve all the aggregates in the scene. More... | |
Dominance | |
virtual void | setDominanceGroupPair (PxDominanceGroup group1, PxDominanceGroup group2, const PxDominanceGroupPair &dominance)=0 |
Specifies the dominance behavior of contacts between two actors with two certain dominance groups. More... | |
virtual PxDominanceGroupPair | getDominanceGroupPair (PxDominanceGroup group1, PxDominanceGroup group2) const =0 |
Samples the dominance matrix. More... | |
Dispatcher | |
virtual PxCpuDispatcher * | getCpuDispatcher () const =0 |
Return the cpu dispatcher that was set in PxSceneDesc::cpuDispatcher when creating the scene with PxPhysics::createScene. More... | |
virtual PxGpuDispatcher * | getGpuDispatcher () const =0 |
Return the gpu dispatcher that was set in PxSceneDesc::gpuDispatcher when creating the scene with PxPhysics::createScene. More... | |
Multiclient | |
virtual PxClientID | createClient ()=0 |
Reserves a new client ID. More... | |
Callbacks | |
virtual void | setSimulationEventCallback (PxSimulationEventCallback *callback)=0 |
Sets a user notify object which receives special simulation events when they occur. More... | |
virtual PxSimulationEventCallback * | getSimulationEventCallback () const =0 |
Retrieves the simulationEventCallback pointer set with setSimulationEventCallback(). More... | |
virtual void | setContactModifyCallback (PxContactModifyCallback *callback)=0 |
Sets a user callback object, which receives callbacks on all contacts generated for specified actors. More... | |
virtual void | setCCDContactModifyCallback (PxCCDContactModifyCallback *callback)=0 |
Sets a user callback object, which receives callbacks on all CCD contacts generated for specified actors. More... | |
virtual PxContactModifyCallback * | getContactModifyCallback () const =0 |
Retrieves the PxContactModifyCallback pointer set with setContactModifyCallback(). More... | |
virtual PxCCDContactModifyCallback * | getCCDContactModifyCallback () const =0 |
Retrieves the PxCCDContactModifyCallback pointer set with setContactModifyCallback(). More... | |
virtual void | setBroadPhaseCallback (PxBroadPhaseCallback *callback)=0 |
Sets a broad-phase user callback object. More... | |
virtual PxBroadPhaseCallback * | getBroadPhaseCallback () const =0 |
Retrieves the PxBroadPhaseCallback pointer set with setBroadPhaseCallback(). More... | |
Collision Filtering | |
virtual void | setFilterShaderData (const void *data, PxU32 dataSize)=0 |
Sets the shared global filter data which will get passed into the filter shader. More... | |
virtual const void * | getFilterShaderData () const =0 |
Gets the shared global filter data in use for this scene. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getFilterShaderDataSize () const =0 |
Gets the size of the shared global filter data (PxSceneDesc.filterShaderData) More... | |
virtual PxSimulationFilterShader | getFilterShader () const =0 |
Gets the custom collision filter shader in use for this scene. More... | |
virtual PxSimulationFilterCallback * | getFilterCallback () const =0 |
Gets the custom collision filter callback in use for this scene. More... | |
virtual void | resetFiltering (PxActor &actor)=0 |
Marks the object to reset interactions and re-run collision filters in the next simulation step. More... | |
virtual void | resetFiltering (PxRigidActor &actor, PxShape *const *shapes, PxU32 shapeCount)=0 |
Marks the object to reset interactions and re-run collision filters for specified shapes in the next simulation step. More... | |
Simulation | |
virtual void | simulate (PxReal elapsedTime, physx::PxBaseTask *completionTask=NULL, void *scratchMemBlock=0, PxU32 scratchMemBlockSize=0, bool controlSimulation=true)=0 |
Advances the simulation by an elapsedTime time. More... | |
virtual void | advance (physx::PxBaseTask *completionTask=0)=0 |
Performs dynamics phase of the simulation pipeline. More... | |
virtual void | collide (PxReal elapsedTime, physx::PxBaseTask *completionTask=0, void *scratchMemBlock=0, PxU32 scratchMemBlockSize=0, bool controlSimulation=true)=0 |
Performs collision detection for the scene over elapsedTime. More... | |
virtual bool | checkResults (bool block=false)=0 |
This checks to see if the simulation run has completed. More... | |
virtual bool | fetchCollision (bool block=false)=0 |
virtual bool | fetchResults (bool block=false, PxU32 *errorState=0)=0 |
virtual bool | fetchResultsStart (const PxContactPairHeader *&contactPairs, PxU32 &nbContactPairs, bool block=false)=0 |
virtual void | processCallbacks (physx::PxBaseTask *continuation)=0 |
virtual void | fetchResultsFinish (PxU32 *errorState=0)=0 |
virtual void | flushSimulation (bool sendPendingReports=false)=0 |
Clear internal buffers and free memory. More... | |
virtual void | setGravity (const PxVec3 &vec)=0 |
Sets a constant gravity for the entire scene. More... | |
virtual PxVec3 | getGravity () const =0 |
Retrieves the current gravity setting. More... | |
virtual void | setBounceThresholdVelocity (const PxReal t)=0 |
Set the bounce threshold velocity. Collision speeds below this threshold will not cause a bounce. More... | |
virtual PxReal | getBounceThresholdVelocity () const =0 |
Return the bounce threshold velocity. More... | |
virtual void | setCCDMaxPasses (PxU32 ccdMaxPasses)=0 |
Sets the maximum number of CCD passes. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getCCDMaxPasses () const =0 |
Gets the maximum number of CCD passes. More... | |
virtual PxReal | getFrictionOffsetThreshold () const =0 |
Return the value of frictionOffsetThreshold that was set in PxSceneDesc when creating the scene with PxPhysics::createScene. More... | |
virtual void | setFrictionType (PxFrictionType::Enum frictionType)=0 |
Set the friction model. More... | |
virtual PxFrictionType::Enum | getFrictionType () const =0 |
Return the friction model. More... | |
Visualization and Statistics | |
virtual bool | setVisualizationParameter (PxVisualizationParameter::Enum param, PxReal value)=0 |
Function that lets you set debug visualization parameters. More... | |
virtual PxReal | getVisualizationParameter (PxVisualizationParameter::Enum paramEnum) const =0 |
Function that lets you query debug visualization parameters. More... | |
virtual void | setVisualizationCullingBox (const PxBounds3 &box)=0 |
Defines a box in world space to which visualization geometry will be (conservatively) culled. Use a non-empty culling box to enable the feature, and an empty culling box to disable it. More... | |
virtual PxBounds3 | getVisualizationCullingBox () const =0 |
Retrieves the visualization culling box. More... | |
virtual const PxRenderBuffer & | getRenderBuffer ()=0 |
Retrieves the render buffer. More... | |
virtual void | getSimulationStatistics (PxSimulationStatistics &stats) const =0 |
Call this method to retrieve statistics for the current simulation step. More... | |
Scene Query | |
virtual PxPruningStructureType::Enum | getStaticStructure () const =0 |
Return the value of PxSceneDesc::staticStructure that was set when creating the scene with PxPhysics::createScene. More... | |
virtual PxPruningStructureType::Enum | getDynamicStructure () const =0 |
Return the value of PxSceneDesc::dynamicStructure that was set when creating the scene with PxPhysics::createScene. More... | |
virtual void | flushQueryUpdates ()=0 |
Flushes any changes in the simulation to the scene query representation. More... | |
virtual PX_DEPRECATED PxBatchQuery * | createBatchQuery (const PxBatchQueryDesc &desc)=0 |
Creates a BatchQuery object. More... | |
virtual void | setDynamicTreeRebuildRateHint (PxU32 dynamicTreeRebuildRateHint)=0 |
Sets the rebuild rate of the dynamic tree pruning structures. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getDynamicTreeRebuildRateHint () const =0 |
Retrieves the rebuild rate of the dynamic tree pruning structures. More... | |
virtual void | forceDynamicTreeRebuild (bool rebuildStaticStructure, bool rebuildDynamicStructure)=0 |
Forces dynamic trees to be immediately rebuilt. More... | |
virtual void | setSceneQueryUpdateMode (PxSceneQueryUpdateMode::Enum updateMode)=0 |
Sets scene query update mode. More... | |
virtual PxSceneQueryUpdateMode::Enum | getSceneQueryUpdateMode () const =0 |
Gets scene query update mode. More... | |
virtual void | sceneQueriesUpdate (physx::PxBaseTask *completionTask=NULL, bool controlSimulation=true)=0 |
Executes scene queries update tasks. This function will refit dirty shapes within the pruner and will execute a task to build a new AABB tree, which is build on a different thread. The new AABB tree is built based on the dynamic tree rebuild hint rate. Once the new tree is ready it will be commited in next fetchQueries call, which must be called after. More... | |
virtual bool | checkQueries (bool block=false)=0 |
This checks to see if the scene queries update has completed. More... | |
virtual bool | fetchQueries (bool block=false)=0 |
virtual bool | raycast (const PxVec3 &origin, const PxVec3 &unitDir, const PxReal distance, PxRaycastCallback &hitCall, PxHitFlags hitFlags=PxHitFlags(PxHitFlag::eDEFAULT), const PxQueryFilterData &filterData=PxQueryFilterData(), PxQueryFilterCallback *filterCall=NULL, const PxQueryCache *cache=NULL) const =0 |
Performs a raycast against objects in the scene, returns results in a PxRaycastBuffer object or via a custom user callback implementation inheriting from PxRaycastCallback. More... | |
virtual bool | sweep (const PxGeometry &geometry, const PxTransform &pose, const PxVec3 &unitDir, const PxReal distance, PxSweepCallback &hitCall, PxHitFlags hitFlags=PxHitFlags(PxHitFlag::eDEFAULT), const PxQueryFilterData &filterData=PxQueryFilterData(), PxQueryFilterCallback *filterCall=NULL, const PxQueryCache *cache=NULL, const PxReal inflation=0.f) const =0 |
Performs a sweep test against objects in the scene, returns results in a PxSweepBuffer object or via a custom user callback implementation inheriting from PxSweepCallback. More... | |
virtual bool | overlap (const PxGeometry &geometry, const PxTransform &pose, PxOverlapCallback &hitCall, const PxQueryFilterData &filterData=PxQueryFilterData(), PxQueryFilterCallback *filterCall=NULL) const =0 |
Performs an overlap test of a given geometry against objects in the scene, returns results in a PxOverlapBuffer object or via a custom user callback implementation inheriting from PxOverlapCallback. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getSceneQueryStaticTimestamp () const =0 |
Retrieves the scene's internal scene query timestamp, increased each time a change to the static scene query structure is performed. More... | |
Broad-phase | |
virtual PxBroadPhaseType::Enum | getBroadPhaseType () const =0 |
Returns broad-phase type. More... | |
virtual bool | getBroadPhaseCaps (PxBroadPhaseCaps &caps) const =0 |
Gets broad-phase caps. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getNbBroadPhaseRegions () const =0 |
Returns number of regions currently registered in the broad-phase. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getBroadPhaseRegions (PxBroadPhaseRegionInfo *userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0 |
Gets broad-phase regions. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | addBroadPhaseRegion (const PxBroadPhaseRegion ®ion, bool populateRegion=false)=0 |
Adds a new broad-phase region. More... | |
virtual bool | removeBroadPhaseRegion (PxU32 handle)=0 |
Removes a new broad-phase region. More... | |
Threads and Memory | |
virtual PxTaskManager * | getTaskManager () const =0 |
Get the task manager associated with this scene. More... | |
virtual void | lockRead (const char *file=NULL, PxU32 line=0)=0 |
Lock the scene for reading from the calling thread. More... | |
virtual void | unlockRead ()=0 |
Unlock the scene from reading. More... | |
virtual void | lockWrite (const char *file=NULL, PxU32 line=0)=0 |
Lock the scene for writing from this thread. More... | |
virtual void | unlockWrite ()=0 |
Unlock the scene from writing. More... | |
virtual void | setNbContactDataBlocks (PxU32 numBlocks)=0 |
set the cache blocks that can be used during simulate(). More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getNbContactDataBlocksUsed () const =0 |
get the number of cache blocks currently used by the scene More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getMaxNbContactDataBlocksUsed () const =0 |
get the maximum number of cache blocks used by the scene More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getContactReportStreamBufferSize () const =0 |
Return the value of PxSceneDesc::contactReportStreamBufferSize that was set when creating the scene with PxPhysics::createScene. More... | |
virtual void | setSolverBatchSize (PxU32 solverBatchSize)=0 |
Sets the number of actors required to spawn a separate rigid body solver thread. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getSolverBatchSize () const =0 |
Retrieves the number of actors required to spawn a separate rigid body solver thread. More... | |
Public Attributes | |
void * | userData |
user can assign this to whatever, usually to create a 1:1 relationship with a user object. More... | |
Basics | |
PxScene () | |
virtual | ~PxScene () |
virtual void | release ()=0 |
Deletes the scene. More... | |
virtual void | setFlag (PxSceneFlag::Enum flag, bool value)=0 |
Sets a scene flag. You can only set one flag at a time. More... | |
virtual PxSceneFlags | getFlags () const =0 |
Get the scene flags. More... | |
virtual void | setLimits (const PxSceneLimits &limits)=0 |
Set new scene limits. More... | |
virtual PxSceneLimits | getLimits () const =0 |
Get current scene limits. More... | |
virtual PxPhysics & | getPhysics ()=0 |
Call this method to retrieve the Physics SDK. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getTimestamp () const =0 |
Retrieves the scene's internal timestamp, increased each time a simulation step is completed. More... | |
A scene is a collection of bodies and constraints which can interact.
The scene simulates the behavior of these objects over time. Several scenes may exist at the same time, but each body or constraint is specific to a scene – they may not be shared.
inlineprotected |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
pure virtual |
Adds an actor to this scene.
[in] | actor | Actor to add to scene. |
[in] | bvhStructure | BVHStructure for actor shapes. |
Adds actors to this scene.
[in] | actors | Array of actors to add to scene. |
[in] | nbActors | Number of actors in the array. |
pure virtual |
Adds a pruning structure together with its actors to this scene.
[in] | pruningStructure | Pruning structure for a set of actors. |
pure virtual |
Adds an aggregate to this scene.
[in] | aggregate | Aggregate to add to scene. |
pure virtual |
Adds an articulation to this scene.
[in] | articulation | Articulation to add to scene. See PxArticulation |
pure virtual |
Adds a new broad-phase region.
Note that by default, objects already existing in the SDK that might touch this region will not be automatically added to the region. In other words the newly created region will be empty, and will only be populated with new objects when they are added to the simulation, or with already existing objects when they are updated.
It is nonetheless possible to override this default behavior and let the SDK populate the new region automatically with already existing objects overlapping the incoming region. This has a cost though, and it should only be used when the game can not guarantee that all objects within the new region will be added to the simulation after the region itself.
[in] | region | User-provided region data |
[in] | populateRegion | Automatically populate new region with already existing objects overlapping it |
pure virtual |
Adds objects in the collection to this scene.
This function adds the following types of objects to this scene: PxActor, PxAggregate, PxArticulation. This method is typically used after deserializing the collection in order to populate the scene with deserialized objects.
[in] | collection | Objects to add to this scene. See PxCollection |
pure virtual |
Performs dynamics phase of the simulation pipeline.
[in] | completionTask | if non-NULL, this task will have its refcount incremented in advance(), then decremented when the scene is ready to have fetchResults called. So the task will not run until the application also calls removeReference(). |
pure virtual |
This checks to see if the scene queries update has completed.
This does not cause the data available for reading to be updated with the results of the scene queries update, it is simply a status check. The bool will allow it to either return immediately or block waiting for the condition to be met so that it can return true
[in] | block | When set to true will block until the condition is met. |
pure virtual |
This checks to see if the simulation run has completed.
This does not cause the data available for reading to be updated with the results of the simulation, it is simply a status check. The bool will allow it to either return immediately or block waiting for the condition to be met so that it can return true
[in] | block | When set to true will block until the condition is met. |
pure virtual |
Performs collision detection for the scene over elapsedTime.
[in] | elapsedTime | Amount of time to advance simulation by. The parameter has to be larger than 0, else the resulting behavior will be undefined. Range: (0, PX_MAX_F32) |
[in] | completionTask | if non-NULL, this task will have its refcount incremented in collide(), then decremented when the scene is ready to have fetchResults called. So the task will not run until the application also calls removeReference(). |
[in] | scratchMemBlock | a memory region for physx to use for temporary data during simulation. This block may be reused by the application after fetchResults returns. Must be aligned on a 16-byte boundary |
[in] | scratchMemBlockSize | the size of the scratch memory block. Must be a multiple of 16K. |
[in] | controlSimulation | if true, the scene controls its PxTaskManager simulation state. Leave true unless the application is calling the PxTaskManager start/stopSimulation() methods itself. |
pure virtual |
Creates a BatchQuery object.
Scene queries like raycasts, overlap tests and sweeps are batched in this object and are then executed at once. See PxBatchQuery.
[in] | desc | The descriptor of scene query. Scene Queries need to register a callback. See PxBatchQueryDesc. |
pure virtual |
Reserves a new client ID.
PX_DEFAULT_CLIENT is always available as the default clientID. Additional clients are returned by this function. Clients cannot be released once created. An error is reported when more than a supported number of clients (currently 128) are created.
pure virtual |
This method must be called after collide() and before advance(). It will wait for the collision phase to finish. If the user makes an illegal simulation call, the SDK will issue an error message.
[in] | block | When set to true will block until the condition is met, which is collision must finish running. |
pure virtual |
This method must be called after sceneQueriesUpdate. It will wait for the scene queries update to finish. If the user makes an illegal scene queries update call, the SDK will issue an error message.
If a new AABB tree build finished, then during fetchQueries the current tree within the pruning structure is swapped with the new tree.
[in] | block | When set to true will block until the condition is met, which is tree built task must finish running. |
pure virtual |
This is the big brother to checkResults() it basically does the following:
[in] | block | When set to true will block until results are available. |
[out] | errorState | Used to retrieve hardware error codes. A non zero value indicates an error. |
pure virtual |
This call performs the second section of fetchResults: the buffer swap and subsequent callbacks.
It must be called after fetchResultsStart() returns and contact reports have been processed.
Note that once fetchResultsFinish() has been called, the contact streams returned in fetchResultsStart() will be invalid.
[out] | errorState | Used to retrieve hardware error codes. A non zero value indicates an error. |
pure virtual |
This call performs the first section of fetchResults (callbacks fired before swapBuffers), and returns a pointer to a to the contact streams output by the simulation. It can be used to process contact pairs in parallel, which is often a limiting factor for fetchResults() performance.
After calling this function and processing the contact streams, call fetchResultsFinish(). Note that writes to the simulation are not permitted between the start of fetchResultsStart() and the end of fetchResultsFinish().
[in] | block | When set to true will block until results are available. |
[out] | contactPairs | an array of pointers to contact pair headers |
[out] | nbContactPairs | the number of contact pairs |
pure virtual |
Flushes any changes in the simulation to the scene query representation.
This method updates the state of the scene query representation to match changes in the scene state.
By default, these changes are buffered until the next query is submitted. Calling this function will not change the results from scene queries, but can be used to ensure that a query will not perform update work in the course of its execution.
A thread performing updates will hold a write lock on the query structure, and thus stall other querying threads. In multithread scenarios it can be useful to explicitly schedule the period where this lock may be held for a significant period, so that subsequent queries issued from multiple threads will not block.
Note that while queries will block during the execution of this method, other read operations on the scene will not.
pure virtual |
Clear internal buffers and free memory.
This method can be used to clear buffers and free internal memory without having to destroy the scene. Can be useful if the physics data gets streamed in and a checkpoint with a clean state should be created.
[in] | sendPendingReports | When set to true pending reports will be sent out before the buffers get cleaned up (for instance lost touch contact/trigger reports due to deleted objects). |
pure virtual |
Forces dynamic trees to be immediately rebuilt.
[in] | rebuildStaticStructure | True to rebuild the dynamic tree containing static objects |
[in] | rebuildDynamicStructure | True to rebuild the dynamic tree containing dynamic objects |
Queries the PxScene for a list of the PxActors whose transforms have been updated during the previous simulation step.
[out] | nbActorsOut | The number of actors returned. |
pure virtual |
Retrieve an array of all the actors of certain types in the scene.
[in] | types | Combination of actor types to retrieve. |
[out] | userBuffer | The buffer to receive actor pointers. |
[in] | bufferSize | Size of provided user buffer. |
[in] | startIndex | Index of first actor pointer to be retrieved |
pure virtual |
Retrieve all the aggregates in the scene.
[out] | userBuffer | The buffer to receive aggregates pointers. |
[in] | bufferSize | Size of provided user buffer. |
[in] | startIndex | Index of first aggregate pointer to be retrieved |
pure virtual |
Retrieve all the articulations in the scene.
[out] | userBuffer | The buffer to receive articulations pointers. |
[in] | bufferSize | Size of provided user buffer. |
[in] | startIndex | Index of first articulations pointer to be retrieved |
pure virtual |
Return the bounce threshold velocity.
pure virtual |
Retrieves the PxBroadPhaseCallback pointer set with setBroadPhaseCallback().
pure virtual |
Gets broad-phase caps.
[out] | caps | Broad-phase caps |
pure virtual |
Gets broad-phase regions.
[out] | userBuffer | Returned broad-phase regions |
[in] | bufferSize | Size of userBuffer |
[in] | startIndex | Index of first desired region, in [0 ; getNbRegions()[ |
pure virtual |
Returns broad-phase type.
pure virtual |
Retrieves the PxCCDContactModifyCallback pointer set with setContactModifyCallback().
pure virtual |
Gets the maximum number of CCD passes.
pure virtual |
Retrieve all the constraint shaders in the scene.
[out] | userBuffer | The buffer to receive constraint shader pointers. |
[in] | bufferSize | Size of provided user buffer. |
[in] | startIndex | Index of first constraint pointer to be retrieved |
pure virtual |
Retrieves the PxContactModifyCallback pointer set with setContactModifyCallback().
pure virtual |
Return the value of PxSceneDesc::contactReportStreamBufferSize that was set when creating the scene with PxPhysics::createScene.
pure virtual |
Return the cpu dispatcher that was set in PxSceneDesc::cpuDispatcher when creating the scene with PxPhysics::createScene.
pure virtual |
Samples the dominance matrix.
pure virtual |
Return the value of PxSceneDesc::dynamicStructure that was set when creating the scene with PxPhysics::createScene.
pure virtual |
Retrieves the rebuild rate of the dynamic tree pruning structures.
pure virtual |
Gets the custom collision filter callback in use for this scene.
pure virtual |
Gets the custom collision filter shader in use for this scene.
pure virtual |
Gets the shared global filter data in use for this scene.
pure virtual |
Gets the size of the shared global filter data (PxSceneDesc.filterShaderData)
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
Return the value of frictionOffsetThreshold that was set in PxSceneDesc when creating the scene with PxPhysics::createScene.
pure virtual |
Return the friction model.
pure virtual |
Return the gpu dispatcher that was set in PxSceneDesc::gpuDispatcher when creating the scene with PxPhysics::createScene.
Platform specific: Applies to PC GPU only.
pure virtual |
Retrieves the current gravity setting.
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
get the maximum number of cache blocks used by the scene
This function may not be called while the scene is simulating
pure virtual |
Retrieve the number of actors of certain types in the scene.
[in] | types | Combination of actor types. |
pure virtual |
Returns the number of aggregates in the scene.
pure virtual |
Returns the number of articulations in the scene.
pure virtual |
Returns number of regions currently registered in the broad-phase.
pure virtual |
Returns the number of constraint shaders in the scene.
pure virtual |
get the number of cache blocks currently used by the scene
This function may not be called while the scene is simulating
pure virtual |
Call this method to retrieve the Physics SDK.
pure virtual |
Retrieves the render buffer.
This will contain the results of any active visualization for this scene.
pure virtual |
Returns the Pvd client associated with the scene.
pure virtual |
Retrieves the scene's internal scene query timestamp, increased each time a change to the static scene query structure is performed.
pure virtual |
Gets scene query update mode.
pure virtual |
Retrieves the simulationEventCallback pointer set with setSimulationEventCallback().
pure virtual |
Call this method to retrieve statistics for the current simulation step.
[out] | stats | Used to retrieve statistics for the current simulation step. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves the number of actors required to spawn a separate rigid body solver thread.
pure virtual |
Return the value of PxSceneDesc::staticStructure that was set when creating the scene with PxPhysics::createScene.
pure virtual |
Get the task manager associated with this scene.
pure virtual |
Retrieves the scene's internal timestamp, increased each time a simulation step is completed.
pure virtual |
Retrieves the visualization culling box.
pure virtual |
Function that lets you query debug visualization parameters.
[in] | paramEnum | The Parameter to retrieve. |
pure virtual |
Returns the wake counter reset value.
pure virtual |
Lock the scene for reading from the calling thread.
When the PxSceneFlag::eREQUIRE_RW_LOCK flag is enabled lockRead() must be called before any read calls are made on the scene.
Multiple threads may read at the same time, no threads may read while a thread is writing. If a call to lockRead() is made while another thread is holding a write lock then the calling thread will be blocked until the writing thread calls unlockWrite().
file | String representing the calling file, for debug purposes |
line | The source file line number, for debug purposes |
pure virtual |
Lock the scene for writing from this thread.
When the PxSceneFlag::eREQUIRE_RW_LOCK flag is enabled lockWrite() must be called before any write calls are made on the scene.
Only one thread may write at a time and no threads may read while a thread is writing. If a call to lockWrite() is made and there are other threads reading then the calling thread will be blocked until the readers complete.
Writers have priority. If a thread is blocked waiting to write then subsequent calls to lockRead() from other threads will be blocked until the writer completes.
file | String representing the calling file, for debug purposes |
line | The source file line number, for debug purposes |
pure virtual |
Performs an overlap test of a given geometry against objects in the scene, returns results in a PxOverlapBuffer object or via a custom user callback implementation inheriting from PxOverlapCallback.
[in] | geometry | Geometry of object to check for overlap (supported types are: box, sphere, capsule, convex). |
[in] | pose | Pose of the object. |
[out] | hitCall | Overlap hit buffer or callback object used to report overlap hits. |
[in] | filterData | Filtering data and simple logic. See PxQueryFilterData PxQueryFilterCallback |
[in] | filterCall | Custom filtering logic (optional). Only used if the corresponding PxQueryFlag flags are set. If NULL, all hits are assumed to overlap. |
pure virtual |
This call processes all event callbacks in parallel. It takes a continuation task, which will be executed once all callbacks have been processed.
This is a utility function to make it easier to process callbacks in parallel using the PhysX task system. It can only be used in conjunction with fetchResultsStart(...) and fetchResultsFinish(...)
[in] | continuation | The task that will be executed once all callbacks have been processed. |
pure virtual |
Performs a raycast against objects in the scene, returns results in a PxRaycastBuffer object or via a custom user callback implementation inheriting from PxRaycastCallback.
[in] | origin | Origin of the ray. |
[in] | unitDir | Normalized direction of the ray. |
[in] | distance | Length of the ray. Has to be in the [0, inf) range. |
[out] | hitCall | Raycast hit buffer or callback object used to report raycast hits. |
[in] | hitFlags | Specifies which properties per hit should be computed and returned via the hit callback. |
[in] | filterData | Filtering data passed to the filer shader. See PxQueryFilterData PxBatchQueryPreFilterShader, PxBatchQueryPostFilterShader |
[in] | filterCall | Custom filtering logic (optional). Only used if the corresponding PxQueryFlag flags are set. If NULL, all hits are assumed to be blocking. |
[in] | cache | Cached hit shape (optional). Ray is tested against cached shape first. If no hit is found the ray gets queried against the scene. Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit. Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking. |
pure virtual |
Deletes the scene.
Removes any actors and constraint shaders from this scene (if the user hasn't already done so).
Be sure to not keep a reference to this object after calling release. Avoid release calls while the scene is simulating (in between simulate() and fetchResults() calls).
pure virtual |
Removes an actor from this scene.
[in] | actor | Actor to remove from scene. |
[in] | wakeOnLostTouch | Specifies whether touching objects from the previous frame should get woken up in the next frame. Only applies to PxArticulation and PxRigidActor types. |
pure virtual |
Removes actors from this scene.
[in] | actors | Array of actors to add to scene. |
[in] | nbActors | Number of actors in the array. |
[in] | wakeOnLostTouch | Specifies whether touching objects from the previous frame should get woken up in the next frame. Only applies to PxArticulation and PxRigidActor types. |
pure virtual |
Removes an aggregate from this scene.
[in] | aggregate | Aggregate to remove from scene. |
[in] | wakeOnLostTouch | Specifies whether touching objects from the previous frame should get woken up in the next frame. Only applies to PxArticulation and PxRigidActor types. |
pure virtual |
Removes an articulation from this scene.
[in] | articulation | Articulation to remove from scene. See PxArticulation |
[in] | wakeOnLostTouch | Specifies whether touching objects from the previous frame should get woken up in the next frame. Only applies to PxArticulation and PxRigidActor types. |
pure virtual |
Removes a new broad-phase region.
If the region still contains objects, and if those objects do not overlap any region any more, they are not automatically removed from the simulation. Instead, the PxBroadPhaseCallback::onObjectOutOfBounds notification is used for each object. Users are responsible for removing the objects from the simulation if this is the desired behavior.
If the handle is invalid, or if a valid handle is removed twice, an error message is sent to the error stream.
[in] | handle | Region's handle, as returned by PxScene::addBroadPhaseRegion. |
pure virtual |
Marks the object to reset interactions and re-run collision filters in the next simulation step.
This call forces the object to remove all existing collision interactions, to search anew for existing contact pairs and to run the collision filters again for found collision pairs.
Sleeping: Does wake up the actor.
[in] | actor | The actor for which to re-evaluate interactions. |
pure virtual |
Marks the object to reset interactions and re-run collision filters for specified shapes in the next simulation step.
This is a specialization of the resetFiltering(PxActor& actor) method and allows to reset interactions for specific shapes of a PxRigidActor.
Sleeping: Does wake up the actor.
[in] | actor | The actor for which to re-evaluate interactions. |
[in] | shapes | The shapes for which to re-evaluate interactions. |
[in] | shapeCount | Number of shapes in the list. |
pure virtual |
Executes scene queries update tasks. This function will refit dirty shapes within the pruner and will execute a task to build a new AABB tree, which is build on a different thread. The new AABB tree is built based on the dynamic tree rebuild hint rate. Once the new tree is ready it will be commited in next fetchQueries call, which must be called after.
[in] | completionTask | if non-NULL, this task will have its refcount incremented in sceneQueryUpdate(), then decremented when the scene is ready to have fetchQueries called. So the task will not run until the application also calls removeReference(). |
[in] | controlSimulation | if true, the scene controls its PxTaskManager simulation state. Leave true unless the application is calling the PxTaskManager start/stopSimulation() methods itself. |
pure virtual |
Set the bounce threshold velocity. Collision speeds below this threshold will not cause a bounce.
pure virtual |
Sets a broad-phase user callback object.
[in] | callback | Asynchronous broad-phase callback. See PxBroadPhaseCallback. |
pure virtual |
Sets a user callback object, which receives callbacks on all CCD contacts generated for specified actors.
[in] | callback | Asynchronous user contact modification callback. See PxCCDContactModifyCallback. |
pure virtual |
Sets the maximum number of CCD passes.
[in] | ccdMaxPasses | Maximum number of CCD passes |
pure virtual |
Sets a user callback object, which receives callbacks on all contacts generated for specified actors.
[in] | callback | Asynchronous user contact modification callback. See PxContactModifyCallback. |
pure virtual |
Specifies the dominance behavior of contacts between two actors with two certain dominance groups.
It is possible to assign each actor to a dominance groups using PxActor::setDominanceGroup().
With dominance groups one can have all contacts created between actors act in one direction only. This is useful, for example, if you want an object to push debris out of its way and be unaffected,while still responding physically to forces and collisions with non-debris objects.
Whenever a contact between two actors (a0, a1) needs to be solved, the groups (g0, g1) of both actors are retrieved. Then the PxDominanceGroupPair setting for this group pair is retrieved with getDominanceGroupPair(g0, g1).
In the contact, PxDominanceGroupPair::dominance0 becomes the dominance setting for a0, and PxDominanceGroupPair::dominance1 becomes the dominance setting for a1. A dominanceN setting of 1.0f, the default, will permit aN to be pushed or pulled by a(1-N) through the contact. A dominanceN setting of 0.0f, will however prevent aN to be pushed by a(1-N) via the contact. Thus, a PxDominanceGroupPair of (1.0f, 0.0f) makes the interaction one-way.
The matrix sampled by getDominanceGroupPair(g1, g2) is initialised by default such that:
if g1 == g2, then (1.0f, 1.0f) is returned if g1 < g2, then (0.0f, 1.0f) is returned if g1 > g2, then (1.0f, 0.0f) is returned
In other words, we permit actors in higher groups to be pushed around by actors in lower groups by default.
These settings should cover most applications, and in fact not overriding these settings may likely result in higher performance.
It is not possible to make the matrix asymetric, or to change the diagonal. In other words:
it is not possible to change (g1, g2) if (g1==g2) if you set
(g1, g2) to X, then (g2, g1) will implicitly and automatically be set to ~X, where:
~(1.0f, 1.0f) is (1.0f, 1.0f) ~(0.0f, 1.0f) is (1.0f, 0.0f) ~(1.0f, 0.0f) is (0.0f, 1.0f)
These two restrictions are to make sure that contacts between two actors will always evaluate to the same dominance setting, regardless of the order of the actors.
Dominance settings are currently specified as floats 0.0f or 1.0f because in the future we may permit arbitrary fractional settings to express 'partly-one-way' interactions.
Sleeping: Does NOT wake actors up automatically.
pure virtual |
Sets the rebuild rate of the dynamic tree pruning structures.
[in] | dynamicTreeRebuildRateHint | Rebuild rate of the dynamic tree pruning structures. |
pure virtual |
Sets the shared global filter data which will get passed into the filter shader.
[in] | data | The shared global filter shader data. |
[in] | dataSize | Size of the shared global filter shader data (in bytes). |
pure virtual |
Sets a scene flag. You can only set one flag at a time.
pure virtual |
Set the friction model.
pure virtual |
Sets a constant gravity for the entire scene.
Sleeping: Does NOT wake the actor up automatically.
[in] | vec | A new gravity vector(e.g. PxVec3(0.0f,-9.8f,0.0f) ) Range: force vector |
pure virtual |
Set new scene limits.
[in] | limits | Scene limits. |
pure virtual |
set the cache blocks that can be used during simulate().
Each frame the simulation requires memory to store contact, friction, and contact cache data. This memory is used in blocks of 16K. Each frame the blocks used by the previous frame are freed, and may be retrieved by the application using PxScene::flushSimulation()
This call will force allocation of cache blocks if the numBlocks parameter is greater than the currently allocated number of blocks, and less than the max16KContactDataBlocks parameter specified at scene creation time.
[in] | numBlocks | The number of blocks to allocate. |
pure virtual |
Sets scene query update mode.
[in] | updateMode | Scene query update mode. |
pure virtual |
Sets a user notify object which receives special simulation events when they occur.
[in] | callback | User notification callback. See PxSimulationEventCallback. |
pure virtual |
Sets the number of actors required to spawn a separate rigid body solver thread.
[in] | solverBatchSize | Number of actors required to spawn a separate rigid body solver thread. |
pure virtual |
Defines a box in world space to which visualization geometry will be (conservatively) culled. Use a non-empty culling box to enable the feature, and an empty culling box to disable it.
[in] | box | the box to which the geometry will be culled. Empty box to disable the feature. |
pure virtual |
Function that lets you set debug visualization parameters.
Returns false if the value passed is out of range for usage specified by the enum.
[in] | param | Parameter to set. See PxVisualizationParameter |
[in] | value | The value to set, see PxVisualizationParameter for allowable values. Setting to zero disables visualization for the specified property, setting to a positive value usually enables visualization and defines the scale factor. |
pure virtual |
Shift the scene origin by the specified vector.
The poses of all objects in the scene and the corresponding data structures will get adjusted to reflect the new origin location (the shift vector will get subtracted from all object positions).
[in] | shift | Translation vector to shift the origin by. |
pure virtual |
Advances the simulation by an elapsedTime time.
Calls to simulate() should pair with calls to fetchResults(): Each fetchResults() invocation corresponds to exactly one simulate() invocation; calling simulate() twice without an intervening fetchResults() or fetchResults() twice without an intervening simulate() causes an error condition.
scene->simulate(); ...do some processing until physics is computed... scene->fetchResults(); ...now results of run may be retrieved.
[in] | elapsedTime | Amount of time to advance simulation by. The parameter has to be larger than 0, else the resulting behavior will be undefined. Range: (0, PX_MAX_F32) |
[in] | completionTask | if non-NULL, this task will have its refcount incremented in simulate(), then decremented when the scene is ready to have fetchResults called. So the task will not run until the application also calls removeReference(). |
[in] | scratchMemBlock | a memory region for physx to use for temporary data during simulation. This block may be reused by the application after fetchResults returns. Must be aligned on a 16-byte boundary |
[in] | scratchMemBlockSize | the size of the scratch memory block. Must be a multiple of 16K. |
[in] | controlSimulation | if true, the scene controls its PxTaskManager simulation state. Leave true unless the application is calling the PxTaskManager start/stopSimulation() methods itself. |
pure virtual |
Performs a sweep test against objects in the scene, returns results in a PxSweepBuffer object or via a custom user callback implementation inheriting from PxSweepCallback.
[in] | geometry | Geometry of object to sweep (supported types are: box, sphere, capsule, convex). |
[in] | pose | Pose of the sweep object. |
[in] | unitDir | Normalized direction of the sweep. |
[in] | distance | Sweep distance. Needs to be in [0, inf) range and >0 if eASSUME_NO_INITIAL_OVERLAP was specified. Will be clamped to PX_MAX_SWEEP_DISTANCE. |
[out] | hitCall | Sweep hit buffer or callback object used to report sweep hits. |
[in] | hitFlags | Specifies which properties per hit should be computed and returned via the hit callback. |
[in] | filterData | Filtering data and simple logic. |
[in] | filterCall | Custom filtering logic (optional). Only used if the corresponding PxQueryFlag flags are set. If NULL, all hits are assumed to be blocking. |
[in] | cache | Cached hit shape (optional). Sweep is performed against cached shape first. If no hit is found the sweep gets queried against the scene. Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit. Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking. |
[in] | inflation | This parameter creates a skin around the swept geometry which increases its extents for sweeping. The sweep will register a hit as soon as the skin touches a shape, and will return the corresponding distance and normal. Note: ePRECISE_SWEEP doesn't support inflation. Therefore the sweep will be performed with zero inflation. |
pure virtual |
Unlock the scene from reading.
pure virtual |
Unlock the scene from writing.
void* PxScene::userData |
user can assign this to whatever, usually to create a 1:1 relationship with a user object.