Debug visualization parameters. More...
#include <PxVisualizationParameter.h>
Debug visualization parameters.
PxVisualizationParameter::eSCALE is the master switch for enabling visualization, please read the corresponding documentation for further details.
Enumerator | |
eSCALE | This overall visualization scale gets multiplied with the individual scales. Setting to zero ignores all visualizations. Default is 0. The below settings permit the debug visualization of various simulation properties. The setting is either zero, in which case the property is not drawn. Otherwise it is a scaling factor that determines the size of the visualization widgets. Only objects for which visualization is turned on using setFlag(eVISUALIZATION) are visualized (see PxActorFlag::eVISUALIZATION, PxShapeFlag::eVISUALIZATION, ...). Contacts are visualized if they involve a body which is being visualized. Default is 0. Notes:
Range: [0, PX_MAX_F32) |
eWORLD_AXES | Visualize the world axes. |
eBODY_AXES | Visualize a bodies axes.
eBODY_MASS_AXES | Visualize a body's mass axes. This visualization is also useful for visualizing the sleep state of bodies. Sleeping bodies are drawn in black, while awake bodies are drawn in white. If the body is sleeping and part of a sleeping group, it is drawn in red.
eBODY_LIN_VELOCITY | Visualize the bodies linear velocity.
eBODY_ANG_VELOCITY | Visualize the bodies angular velocity.
eCONTACT_POINT | Visualize contact points. Will enable contact information. |
eCONTACT_NORMAL | Visualize contact normals. Will enable contact information. |
eCONTACT_ERROR | Visualize contact errors. Will enable contact information. |
eCONTACT_FORCE | Visualize Contact forces. Will enable contact information. |
eACTOR_AXES | Visualize actor axes. |
eCOLLISION_AABBS | Visualize bounds (AABBs in world space) |
eCOLLISION_SHAPES | Shape visualization.
eCOLLISION_AXES | Shape axis visualization.
eCOLLISION_COMPOUNDS | Compound visualization (compound AABBs in world space) |
eCOLLISION_FNORMALS | Mesh & convex face normals.
eCOLLISION_EDGES | Active edges for meshes.
eCOLLISION_STATIC | Static pruning structures. |
eCOLLISION_DYNAMIC | Dynamic pruning structures. |
eDEPRECATED_COLLISION_PAIRS | Visualizes pairwise state. |
eJOINT_LOCAL_FRAMES | Joint local axes. |
eJOINT_LIMITS | Joint limits. |
eCULL_BOX | Visualize culling box. |
eMBP_REGIONS | MBP regions. |
eNUM_VALUES | This is not a parameter, it just records the current number of parameters (as maximum(PxVisualizationParameter)+1) for use in loops. |