

class  PxSerializer
 Serialization interface class. More...
class  PxSerializerDefaultAdapter< T >
 Default PxSerializer implementation. More...
struct  PxConverterReportMode
class  PxBinaryConverter
 Binary converter for serialized streams. More...
class  PxBroadPhaseExt
class  PxCollectionExt
struct  PxConstraintExtIDs
 Unique identifiers for extensions classes which implement a constraint based on PxConstraint. More...
struct  PxD6Axis
 Used to specify one of the degrees of freedom of a D6 joint. More...
struct  PxD6Motion
 Used to specify the range of motions allowed for a degree of freedom in a D6 joint. More...
struct  PxD6Drive
 Used to specify which axes of a D6 joint are driven. More...
struct  PxD6JointDriveFlag
 flags for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint More...
class  PxD6JointDrive
 parameters for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint More...
class  PxD6Joint
 A D6 joint is a general constraint between two actors. More...
class  PxDefaultAllocator
 default implementation of the allocator interface required by the SDK More...
class  PxDefaultCpuDispatcher
 A default implementation for a CPU task dispatcher. More...
class  PxGroupsMask
 64-bit mask used for collision filtering. More...
struct  PxFilterOp
 Collision filtering operations. More...
class  PxDefaultMemoryOutputStream
 default implementation of a memory write stream More...
class  PxDefaultMemoryInputData
 default implementation of a memory read stream More...
class  PxDefaultFileOutputStream
 default implementation of a file write stream More...
class  PxDefaultFileInputData
 default implementation of a file read stream More...
struct  PxDistanceJointFlag
 flags for configuring the drive of a PxDistanceJoint More...
class  PxDistanceJoint
 a joint that maintains an upper or lower bound (or both) on the distance between two points on different objects More...
class  PxFixedJoint
 A fixed joint permits no relative movement between two bodies. ie the bodies are glued together. More...
struct  PxJointConcreteType
 an enumeration of PhysX' built-in joint types More...
struct  PxJointActorIndex
 an enumeration for specifying one or other of the actors referenced by a joint More...
class  PxJoint
 a base interface providing common functionality for PhysX joints More...
class  PxSpring
class  PxJointLimitParameters
 Describes the parameters for a joint limit. More...
class  PxJointLinearLimit
 Describes a one-sided linear limit. More...
class  PxJointLinearLimitPair
 Describes a two-sided limit. More...
class  PxJointAngularLimitPair
class  PxJointLimitCone
 Describes an elliptical conical joint limit. Note that very small or highly elliptical limit cones may result in jitter. More...
class  PxJointLimitPyramid
 Describes a pyramidal joint limit. More...
class  PxMassProperties
 Utility class to compute and manipulate mass and inertia tensor properties. More...
struct  PxPrismaticJointFlag
 Flags specific to the prismatic joint. More...
class  PxPrismaticJoint
 A prismatic joint permits relative translational movement between two bodies along an axis, but no relative rotational movement. More...
class  RaycastCCDManager
 Raycast-CCD manager. More...
struct  PxRepXObject
 Helper class containing the mapping of id to object, and type name. More...
struct  PxRepXInstantiationArgs
 Arguments required to instantiate a serializable object from RepX. More...
struct  PxRevoluteJointFlag
 Flags specific to the Revolute Joint. More...
class  PxRevoluteJoint
 A joint which behaves in a similar way to a hinge or axle. More...
class  PxRigidActorExt
 utility functions for use with PxRigidActor and subclasses More...
class  PxRigidBodyExt
 utility functions for use with PxRigidBody and subclasses More...
class  PxSceneQueryExt
 utility functions for use with PxScene, related to scene queries. More...
class  PxSerialization
 Utility functions for serialization. More...
class  PxShapeExt
 utility functions for use with PxShape More...
struct  PxSphericalJointFlag
 Flags specific to the spherical joint. More...
class  PxSphericalJoint
 A joint which behaves in a similar way to a ball and socket. More...
class  PxMeshOverlapUtil
 Utility class to find mesh triangles touched by a specified geometry object. More...


 Preprocessor Macro to simplify adapter creation. More...
#define PX_DELETE_SERIALIZER_ADAPTER(x)   { PxSerializer* s = x; if (s) { s->~PxSerializer(); PxGetFoundation().getAllocatorCallback().deallocate(s); } }
 Preprocessor Macro to simplify adapter deletion. More...


typedef PxFlags< PxD6JointDriveFlag::Enum, PxU32PxD6JointDriveFlags
typedef FILE * PxFileHandle
typedef PxFlags< PxDistanceJointFlag::Enum, PxU16 > PxDistanceJointFlags
typedef PxFlags< PxPrismaticJointFlag::Enum, PxU16 > PxPrismaticJointFlags
typedef PxFlags< PxRevoluteJointFlag::Enum, PxU16 > PxRevoluteJointFlags
typedef PxQueryHit PxSceneQueryHit
typedef PxQueryFilterData PxSceneQueryFilterData
typedef PxQueryFilterCallback PxSceneQueryFilterCallback
typedef PxQueryCache PxSceneQueryCache
typedef PxHitFlag PxSceneQueryFlag
typedef PxHitFlags PxSceneQueryFlags
typedef PxFlags< PxSphericalJointFlag::Enum, PxU16 > PxSphericalJointFlags


PxU32 PxFindFaceIndex (const PxConvexMeshGeometry &convexGeom, const PxTransform &geomPose, const PxVec3 &impactPos, const PxVec3 &unitDir)
 Computes closest polygon of the convex hull geometry for a given impact point and impact direction. When doing sweeps against a scene, one might want to delay the rather expensive computation of the hit face index for convexes until it is clear the information is really needed and then use this method to get the corresponding face index. More...
PxD6JointPxD6JointCreate (PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1)
 Create a D6 joint. More...
PxJointPxD6JointCreate_Fixed (PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, bool useD6)
 Helper function to create a fixed joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxFixedJoint. More...
PxJointPxD6JointCreate_Distance (PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, float maxDist, bool useD6)
 Helper function to create a distance joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxDistanceJoint. More...
PxJointPxD6JointCreate_Prismatic (PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, const PxVec3 &axis, float minLimit, float maxLimit, bool useD6)
 Helper function to create a prismatic joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxPrismaticJoint. More...
PxJointPxD6JointCreate_Revolute (PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, const PxVec3 &axis, float minLimit, float maxLimit, bool useD6)
 Helper function to create a revolute joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxRevoluteJoint. More...
PxJointPxD6JointCreate_Spherical (PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, const PxVec3 &axis, float limit1, float limit2, bool useD6)
 Helper function to create a spherical joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxSphericalJoint. More...
PxJointPxD6JointCreate_GenericCone (float &apiroty, float &apirotz, PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, float minLimit1, float maxLimit1, float minLimit2, float maxLimit2, bool useD6)
 Helper function to create a spherical joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxSphericalJoint. More...
PxJointPxD6JointCreate_Pyramid (PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxVec3 &localPos0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxVec3 &localPos1, const PxVec3 &axis, float minLimit1, float maxLimit1, float minLimit2, float maxLimit2)
 Helper function to create a D6 joint with pyramidal swing limits. More...
PX_FORCE_INLINE void * platformAlignedAlloc (size_t size)
PX_FORCE_INLINE void platformAlignedFree (void *ptr)
PxDefaultCpuDispatcherPxDefaultCpuDispatcherCreate (PxU32 numThreads, PxU32 *affinityMasks=NULL)
 Create default dispatcher, extensions SDK needs to be initialized first. More...
PxFilterFlags PxDefaultSimulationFilterShader (PxFilterObjectAttributes attributes0, PxFilterData filterData0, PxFilterObjectAttributes attributes1, PxFilterData filterData1, PxPairFlags &pairFlags, const void *constantBlock, PxU32 constantBlockSize)
 Implementation of a simple filter shader that emulates PhysX 2.8.x filtering. More...
bool PxGetGroupCollisionFlag (const PxU16 group1, const PxU16 group2)
 Determines if collision detection is performed between a pair of groups. More...
void PxSetGroupCollisionFlag (const PxU16 group1, const PxU16 group2, const bool enable)
 Specifies if collision should be performed by a pair of groups. More...
PxU16 PxGetGroup (const PxActor &actor)
 Retrieves the value set with PxSetGroup() More...
void PxSetGroup (PxActor &actor, const PxU16 collisionGroup)
 Sets which collision group this actor is part of. More...
void PxGetFilterOps (PxFilterOp::Enum &op0, PxFilterOp::Enum &op1, PxFilterOp::Enum &op2)
 Retrieves filtering operation. See comments for PxGroupsMask. More...
void PxSetFilterOps (const PxFilterOp::Enum &op0, const PxFilterOp::Enum &op1, const PxFilterOp::Enum &op2)
 Setups filtering operations. See comments for PxGroupsMask. More...
bool PxGetFilterBool ()
 Retrieves filtering's boolean value. See comments for PxGroupsMask. More...
void PxSetFilterBool (const bool enable)
 Setups filtering's boolean value. See comments for PxGroupsMask. More...
void PxGetFilterConstants (PxGroupsMask &c0, PxGroupsMask &c1)
 Gets filtering constant K0 and K1. See comments for PxGroupsMask. More...
void PxSetFilterConstants (const PxGroupsMask &c0, const PxGroupsMask &c1)
 Setups filtering's K0 and K1 value. See comments for PxGroupsMask. More...
PxGroupsMask PxGetGroupsMask (const PxActor &actor)
 Gets 64-bit mask used for collision filtering. See comments for PxGroupsMask. More...
void PxSetGroupsMask (PxActor &actor, const PxGroupsMask &mask)
 Sets 64-bit mask used for collision filtering. See comments for PxGroupsMask. More...
PxDistanceJointPxDistanceJointCreate (PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1)
 Create a distance Joint. More...
PX_C_EXPORT bool PX_CALL_CONV PxInitExtensions (physx::PxPhysics &physics, physx::PxPvd *pvd)
 Initialize the PhysXExtensions library. More...
PX_C_EXPORT void PX_CALL_CONV PxCloseExtensions ()
 Shut down the PhysXExtensions library. More...
PxFixedJointPxFixedJointCreate (PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1)
 Create a fixed joint. More...
PX_C_EXPORT void PX_CALL_CONV PxSetJointGlobalFrame (physx::PxJoint &joint, const physx::PxVec3 *wsAnchor, const physx::PxVec3 *wsAxis)
 Helper function to setup a joint's global frame. More...
PxPrismaticJointPxPrismaticJointCreate (PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1)
 Create a prismatic joint. More...
PxRevoluteJointPxRevoluteJointCreate (PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1)
 Create a revolute joint. More...
PxRigidDynamicPxCreateDynamic (PxPhysics &sdk, const PxTransform &transform, const PxGeometry &geometry, PxMaterial &material, PxReal density, const PxTransform &shapeOffset=PxTransform(PxIdentity))
 simple method to create a PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape. More...
PxRigidDynamicPxCreateDynamic (PxPhysics &sdk, const PxTransform &transform, PxShape &shape, PxReal density)
 simple method to create a PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape. More...
PxRigidDynamicPxCreateKinematic (PxPhysics &sdk, const PxTransform &transform, const PxGeometry &geometry, PxMaterial &material, PxReal density, const PxTransform &shapeOffset=PxTransform(PxIdentity))
 simple method to create a kinematic PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape. More...
PxRigidDynamicPxCreateKinematic (PxPhysics &sdk, const PxTransform &transform, PxShape &shape, PxReal density)
 simple method to create a kinematic PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape. More...
PxRigidStaticPxCreateStatic (PxPhysics &sdk, const PxTransform &transform, const PxGeometry &geometry, PxMaterial &material, const PxTransform &shapeOffset=PxTransform(PxIdentity))
 simple method to create a PxRigidStatic actor with a single PxShape. More...
PxRigidStaticPxCreateStatic (PxPhysics &sdk, const PxTransform &transform, PxShape &shape)
 simple method to create a PxRigidStatic actor with a single PxShape. More...
PxShapePxCloneShape (PxPhysics &physicsSDK, const PxShape &shape, bool isExclusive)
 create a shape by copying attributes from another shape More...
PxRigidStaticPxCloneStatic (PxPhysics &physicsSDK, const PxTransform &transform, const PxRigidActor &actor)
 create a static body by copying attributes from another rigid actor More...
PxRigidDynamicPxCloneDynamic (PxPhysics &physicsSDK, const PxTransform &transform, const PxRigidDynamic &body)
 create a dynamic body by copying attributes from an existing body More...
PxRigidStaticPxCreatePlane (PxPhysics &sdk, const PxPlane &plane, PxMaterial &material)
 create a plane actor. The plane equation is n.x + d = 0 More...
void PxScaleRigidActor (PxRigidActor &actor, PxReal scale, bool scaleMassProps=true)
 scale a rigid actor by a uniform scale More...
PX_C_EXPORT bool PX_CALL_CONV PxBuildSmoothNormals (physx::PxU32 nbTris, physx::PxU32 nbVerts, const physx::PxVec3 *verts, const physx::PxU32 *dFaces, const physx::PxU16 *wFaces, physx::PxVec3 *normals, bool flip)
 Builds smooth vertex normals over a mesh. More...
PxSphericalJointPxSphericalJointCreate (PxPhysics &physics, PxRigidActor *actor0, const PxTransform &localFrame0, PxRigidActor *actor1, const PxTransform &localFrame1)
 Create a spherical joint. More...
bool PxComputeTriangleMeshPenetration (PxVec3 &direction, PxReal &depth, const PxGeometry &geom, const PxTransform &geomPose, const PxTriangleMeshGeometry &meshGeom, const PxTransform &meshPose, PxU32 maxIter, PxU32 *usedIter=NULL)
 Computes an approximate minimum translational distance (MTD) between a geometry object and a mesh. More...
bool PxComputeHeightFieldPenetration (PxVec3 &direction, PxReal &depth, const PxGeometry &geom, const PxTransform &geomPose, const PxHeightFieldGeometry &heightFieldGeom, const PxTransform &heightFieldPose, PxU32 maxIter, PxU32 *usedIter=NULL)
 Computes an approximate minimum translational distance (MTD) between a geometry object and a heightfield. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation



PX_BINARY_SERIAL_VERSION is used to specify the binary data format compatibility additionally to the physics sdk version. The binary format version is defined as "PX_PHYSICS_VERSION_MAJOR.PX_PHYSICS_VERSION_MINOR.PX_PHYSICS_VERSION_BUGFIX-PX_BINARY_SERIAL_VERSION". The following binary format versions are compatible with the current physics version: (no compatible versions)

The PX_BINARY_SERIAL_VERSION for a given PhysX release is typically 0. If incompatible modifications are made to a customer specific branch the number should be increased.


#define PX_DELETE_SERIALIZER_ADAPTER (   x)    { PxSerializer* s = x; if (s) { s->~PxSerializer(); PxGetFoundation().getAllocatorCallback().deallocate(s); } }

Preprocessor Macro to simplify adapter deletion.


*new( PxGetFoundation().getAllocatorCallback().allocate(sizeof(PxSerializerDefaultAdapter<x>), \
"PxSerializerDefaultAdapter", __FILE__, __LINE__ )) PxSerializerDefaultAdapter<x>(#x)
PX_C_EXPORT PX_FOUNDATION_API physx::PxFoundation &PX_CALL_CONV PxGetFoundation()
Retrieves the Foundation SDK after it has been created.
Default PxSerializer implementation.
Definition: PxSerializer.h:148

Preprocessor Macro to simplify adapter creation.

Note: that the allocator used for creation needs to match with the one used in PX_DELETE_SERIALIZER_ADAPTER.

Typedef Documentation

◆ PxD6JointDriveFlags

◆ PxDistanceJointFlags

◆ PxFileHandle

typedef FILE* PxFileHandle

◆ PxPrismaticJointFlags

◆ PxRevoluteJointFlags

◆ PxSceneQueryCache

◆ PxSceneQueryFilterCallback

◆ PxSceneQueryFilterData

◆ PxSceneQueryFlag

◆ PxSceneQueryFlags

typedef PxHitFlags PxSceneQueryFlags

◆ PxSceneQueryHit

◆ PxSphericalJointFlags

Function Documentation

◆ platformAlignedAlloc()

PX_FORCE_INLINE void* platformAlignedAlloc ( size_t  size)

◆ platformAlignedFree()

PX_FORCE_INLINE void platformAlignedFree ( void *  ptr)

◆ PxBuildSmoothNormals()

PX_C_EXPORT bool PX_CALL_CONV PxBuildSmoothNormals ( physx::PxU32  nbTris,
physx::PxU32  nbVerts,
const physx::PxVec3 *  verts,
const physx::PxU32 dFaces,
const physx::PxU16 wFaces,
physx::PxVec3 *  normals,
bool  flip 

Builds smooth vertex normals over a mesh.

  • "smooth" because smoothing groups are not supported here
  • takes angles into account for correct cube normals computation

To use 32bit indices pass a pointer in dFaces and set wFaces to zero. Alternatively pass a pointer to wFaces and set dFaces to zero.

[in]nbTrisNumber of triangles
[in]nbVertsNumber of vertices
[in]vertsArray of vertices
[in]dFacesArray of dword triangle indices, or null
[in]wFacesArray of word triangle indices, or null
[out]normalsArray of computed normals (assumes nbVerts vectors)
[in]flipFlips the normals or not
True on success.

◆ PxCloneDynamic()

PxRigidDynamic* PxCloneDynamic ( PxPhysics physicsSDK,
const PxTransform transform,
const PxRigidDynamic body 

create a dynamic body by copying attributes from an existing body

The following properties are copied:

  • shapes
  • actor flags and rigidDynamic flags
  • mass, moment of inertia, and center of mass frame
  • linear and angular velocity
  • linear and angular damping
  • maximum angular velocity
  • position and velocity solver iterations
  • maximum depenetration velocity
  • sleep threshold
  • contact report threshold
  • dominance group
  • owner client and client behavior bits
  • name pointer

The following are not copied and retain their default values:

  • name
  • joints or observers
  • aggregate or scene membership
  • sleep timer
  • user data
Transforms are not copied with bit-exact accuracy.
[in]physicsSDKPxPhysics - the physics SDK used to allocate the rigid static
[in]bodythe rigid dynamic to clone.
[in]transformthe transform of the new dynamic
the newly-created rigid static

◆ PxCloneShape()

PxShape* PxCloneShape ( PxPhysics physicsSDK,
const PxShape shape,
bool  isExclusive 

create a shape by copying attributes from another shape

The function clones a PxShape. The following properties are copied:

  • geometry
  • flags
  • materials
  • actor-local pose
  • contact offset
  • rest offset
  • simulation filter data
  • query filter data

The following are not copied and retain their default values:

  • name
  • user data
[in]physicsSDK- the physics SDK used to allocate the shape
[in]shapethe shape from which to take the attributes.
[in]isExclusivewhether the new shape should be an exclusive or shared shape.
the newly-created rigid static

◆ PxCloneStatic()

PxRigidStatic* PxCloneStatic ( PxPhysics physicsSDK,
const PxTransform transform,
const PxRigidActor actor 

create a static body by copying attributes from another rigid actor

The function clones a PxRigidDynamic or PxRigidStatic as a PxRigidStatic. A uniform scale is applied. The following properties are copied:

  • shapes
  • actor flags
  • owner client and client behavior bits

The following are not copied and retain their default values:

  • name
  • joints or observers
  • aggregate or scene membership
  • user data
Transforms are not copied with bit-exact accuracy.
[in]physicsSDK- the physics SDK used to allocate the rigid static
[in]actorthe rigid actor from which to take the attributes.
[in]transformthe transform of the new static.
the newly-created rigid static

◆ PxCloseExtensions()

PX_C_EXPORT void PX_CALL_CONV PxCloseExtensions ( )

Shut down the PhysXExtensions library.

This function should be called to cleanly shut down the PhysXExtensions library before application exit.

This function is required to be called to release foundation usage.
See also

◆ PxComputeHeightFieldPenetration()

bool PxComputeHeightFieldPenetration ( PxVec3 direction,
PxReal &  depth,
const PxGeometry geom,
const PxTransform geomPose,
const PxHeightFieldGeometry heightFieldGeom,
const PxTransform heightFieldPose,
PxU32  maxIter,
PxU32 usedIter = NULL 

Computes an approximate minimum translational distance (MTD) between a geometry object and a heightfield.

This iterative function computes an approximate vector that can be used to depenetrate a geom object from a heightfield. Returned depenetration vector should be applied to 'geom', to get out of the heightfield.

The function works best when the amount of overlap between the geom object and the mesh is small. If the geom object's center goes inside the heightfield, backface culling usually kicks in, no overlap is detected, and the function does not compute an MTD vector.

The function early exits if no overlap is detected after a depenetration attempt. This means that if maxIter = N, the code will attempt at most N iterations but it might exit earlier if depenetration has been successful. Usually N = 4 gives good results.

[out]directionComputed MTD unit direction
[out]depthPenetration depth. Always positive or zero.
[in]geomThe geometry object
[in]geomPosePose for the geometry object
[in]heightFieldGeomThe heightfield geometry
[in]heightFieldPosePose for the heightfield
[in]maxIterMax number of iterations before returning.
[out]usedIterNumber of depenetrations attempts performed during the call. Will not be returned if the pointer is NULL.
True if the MTD has successfully been computed, i.e. if objects do overlap.
See also
PxGeometry PxTransform PxHeightFieldGeometry

◆ PxComputeTriangleMeshPenetration()

bool PxComputeTriangleMeshPenetration ( PxVec3 direction,
PxReal &  depth,
const PxGeometry geom,
const PxTransform geomPose,
const PxTriangleMeshGeometry meshGeom,
const PxTransform meshPose,
PxU32  maxIter,
PxU32 usedIter = NULL 

Computes an approximate minimum translational distance (MTD) between a geometry object and a mesh.

This iterative function computes an approximate vector that can be used to depenetrate a geom object from a triangle mesh. Returned depenetration vector should be applied to 'geom', to get out of the mesh.

The function works best when the amount of overlap between the geom object and the mesh is small. If the geom object's center goes inside the mesh, backface culling usually kicks in, no overlap is detected, and the function does not compute an MTD vector.

The function early exits if no overlap is detected after a depenetration attempt. This means that if maxIter = N, the code will attempt at most N iterations but it might exit earlier if depenetration has been successful. Usually N = 4 gives good results.

[out]directionComputed MTD unit direction
[out]depthPenetration depth. Always positive or zero.
[in]geomThe geometry object
[in]geomPosePose for the geometry object
[in]meshGeomThe mesh geometry
[in]meshPosePose for the mesh
[in]maxIterMax number of iterations before returning.
[out]usedIterNumber of depenetrations attempts performed during the call. Will not be returned if the pointer is NULL.
True if the MTD has successfully been computed, i.e. if objects do overlap.
See also
PxGeometry PxTransform PxTriangleMeshGeometry

◆ PxCreateDynamic() [1/2]

PxRigidDynamic* PxCreateDynamic ( PxPhysics sdk,
const PxTransform transform,
const PxGeometry geometry,
PxMaterial material,
PxReal  density,
const PxTransform shapeOffset = PxTransform(PxIdentity) 

simple method to create a PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape.

[in]sdkthe PxPhysics object
[in]transformthe global pose of the new object
[in]geometrythe geometry of the new object's shape, which must be a sphere, capsule, box or convex
[in]materialthe material for the new object's shape
[in]densitythe density of the new object. Must be greater than zero.
[in]shapeOffsetan optional offset for the new shape, defaults to identity
a new dynamic actor with the PxRigidBodyFlag, or NULL if it could not be constructed
See also
PxRigidDynamic PxShapeFlag

◆ PxCreateDynamic() [2/2]

PxRigidDynamic* PxCreateDynamic ( PxPhysics sdk,
const PxTransform transform,
PxShape shape,
PxReal  density 

simple method to create a PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape.

[in]sdkthe PxPhysics object
[in]transformthe transform of the new object
[in]shapethe shape of the new object
[in]densitythe density of the new object. Must be greater than zero.
a new dynamic actor with the PxRigidBodyFlag, or NULL if it could not be constructed
See also
PxRigidDynamic PxShapeFlag

◆ PxCreateKinematic() [1/2]

PxRigidDynamic* PxCreateKinematic ( PxPhysics sdk,
const PxTransform transform,
const PxGeometry geometry,
PxMaterial material,
PxReal  density,
const PxTransform shapeOffset = PxTransform(PxIdentity) 

simple method to create a kinematic PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape.

[in]sdkthe PxPhysics object
[in]transformthe global pose of the new object
[in]geometrythe geometry of the new object's shape
[in]materialthe material for the new object's shape
[in]densitythe density of the new object. Must be greater than zero if the object is to participate in simulation.
[in]shapeOffsetan optional offset for the new shape, defaults to identity
unlike PxCreateDynamic, the geometry is not restricted to box, capsule, sphere or convex. However, kinematics of other geometry types may not participate in simulation collision and may be used only for triggers or scene queries of moving objects under animation control. In this case the density parameter will be ignored and the created shape will be set up as a scene query only shape (see PxShapeFlag::eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE)
a new dynamic actor with the PxRigidBodyFlag::eKINEMATIC set, or NULL if it could not be constructed
See also
PxRigidDynamic PxShapeFlag

◆ PxCreateKinematic() [2/2]

PxRigidDynamic* PxCreateKinematic ( PxPhysics sdk,
const PxTransform transform,
PxShape shape,
PxReal  density 

simple method to create a kinematic PxRigidDynamic actor with a single PxShape.

[in]sdkthe PxPhysics object
[in]transformthe global pose of the new object
[in]densitythe density of the new object. Must be greater than zero if the object is to participate in simulation.
[in]shapethe shape of the new object
unlike PxCreateDynamic, the geometry is not restricted to box, capsule, sphere or convex. However, kinematics of other geometry types may not participate in simulation collision and may be used only for triggers or scene queries of moving objects under animation control. In this case the density parameter will be ignored and the created shape will be set up as a scene query only shape (see PxShapeFlag::eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE)
a new dynamic actor with the PxRigidBodyFlag::eKINEMATIC set, or NULL if it could not be constructed
See also
PxRigidDynamic PxShapeFlag

◆ PxCreatePlane()

PxRigidStatic* PxCreatePlane ( PxPhysics sdk,
const PxPlane plane,
PxMaterial material 

create a plane actor. The plane equation is n.x + d = 0

[in]sdkthe PxPhysics object
[in]planea plane of the form n.x + d = 0
[in]materialthe material for the new object's shape
a new static actor, or NULL if it could not be constructed
See also

◆ PxCreateStatic() [1/2]

PxRigidStatic* PxCreateStatic ( PxPhysics sdk,
const PxTransform transform,
const PxGeometry geometry,
PxMaterial material,
const PxTransform shapeOffset = PxTransform(PxIdentity) 

simple method to create a PxRigidStatic actor with a single PxShape.

[in]sdkthe PxPhysics object
[in]transformthe global pose of the new object
[in]geometrythe geometry of the new object's shape
[in]materialthe material for the new object's shape
[in]shapeOffsetan optional offset for the new shape, defaults to identity
a new static actor, or NULL if it could not be constructed
See also

◆ PxCreateStatic() [2/2]

PxRigidStatic * PxCreateStatic ( PxPhysics sdk,
const PxTransform transform,
PxShape shape 

simple method to create a PxRigidStatic actor with a single PxShape.

[in]sdkthe PxPhysics object
[in]transformthe global pose of the new object
[in]shapethe new object's shape
a new static actor, or NULL if it could not be constructed
See also

◆ PxD6JointCreate()

PxD6Joint* PxD6JointCreate ( PxPhysics physics,
PxRigidActor actor0,
const PxTransform localFrame0,
PxRigidActor actor1,
const PxTransform localFrame1 

Create a D6 joint.

[in]physicsThe physics SDK
[in]actor0An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localFrame0The position and orientation of the joint relative to actor0
[in]actor1An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localFrame1The position and orientation of the joint relative to actor1
See also

◆ PxD6JointCreate_Distance()

PxJoint* PxD6JointCreate_Distance ( PxPhysics physics,
PxRigidActor actor0,
const PxVec3 localPos0,
PxRigidActor actor1,
const PxVec3 localPos1,
float  maxDist,
bool  useD6 

Helper function to create a distance joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxDistanceJoint.

This helper function only supports a maximum distance constraint, because PxD6Joint does not support a minimum distance constraint (contrary to PxDistanceJoint).

The distance is computed between the joint frames' world-space positions. The joint frames' orientations are irrelevant here so the function sets them to identity.

[in]physicsThe physics SDK
[in]actor0An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos0The position of the joint relative to actor0
[in]actor1An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos1The position of the joint relative to actor1
[in]maxDistThe maximum allowed distance
[in]useD6True to use a PxD6Joint, false to use a PxDistanceJoint;
The created joint.
See also
PxD6Joint PxDistanceJoint

◆ PxD6JointCreate_Fixed()

PxJoint* PxD6JointCreate_Fixed ( PxPhysics physics,
PxRigidActor actor0,
const PxVec3 localPos0,
PxRigidActor actor1,
const PxVec3 localPos1,
bool  useD6 

Helper function to create a fixed joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxFixedJoint.

For fixed joints it is important that the joint frames have the same orientation. This helper function uses an identity rotation for both. It is also important that the joint frames have an equivalent position in world space. The function does not check this, so it is up to users to ensure that this is the case.

[in]physicsThe physics SDK
[in]actor0An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos0The position of the joint relative to actor0
[in]actor1An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos1The position of the joint relative to actor1
[in]useD6True to use a PxD6Joint, false to use a PxFixedJoint;
The created joint.
See also
PxD6Joint PxFixedJoint

◆ PxD6JointCreate_GenericCone()

PxJoint* PxD6JointCreate_GenericCone ( float &  apiroty,
float &  apirotz,
PxPhysics physics,
PxRigidActor actor0,
const PxVec3 localPos0,
PxRigidActor actor1,
const PxVec3 localPos1,
float  minLimit1,
float  maxLimit1,
float  minLimit2,
float  maxLimit2,
bool  useD6 

Helper function to create a spherical joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxSphericalJoint.

This function supports a cone limit shape, defined by two pairs of angular limit values. This can be used to create an asymmetric cone. If the angular limit values are symmetric (i.e. minLimit1=-maxLimit1 and minLimit2=-maxLimit2) then the cone axis is the X axis in actor0's space. If the limits are not symmetric, the function rotates the cone axis accordingly so that limits remain symmetric for PhysX. If this happens, the initial joint frames will be different for both actors. By default minLimit1/maxLimit1 are limits around the joint's Y axis, and minLimit2/maxLimit2 are limits around the joint's Z axis.

The function creates hard limits, and uses PhysX's default contact distance parameter.

Limits are expressed in radians. Allowed range is ]-PI;PI[.

The cone axis is equivalent to the twist axis for the D6 joint. The twist motion is not limited.

The returned apiroty and apirotz values can later be added to retrieved Y and Z swing angle values (from the joint), to remap angle values to the given input range.

[out]apirotyAmount of rotation around Y used to setup actor0's joint frame
[out]apirotzAmount of rotation around Z used to setup actor0's joint frame
[in]physicsThe physics SDK
[in]actor0An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos0The position of the joint relative to actor0
[in]actor1An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos1The position of the joint relative to actor1
[in]minLimit1Min angular limit along the joint frame's second axis (first axis = cone axis)
[in]maxLimit1Max angular limit along the joint frame's second axis (first axis = cone axis)
[in]minLimit2Min angular limit along the joint frame's third axis (first axis = cone axis)
[in]maxLimit2Max angular limit along the joint frame's third axis (first axis = cone axis)
[in]useD6True to use a PxD6Joint, false to use a PxSphericalJoint;
The created joint.
See also
PxD6Joint PxSphericalJoint

◆ PxD6JointCreate_Prismatic()

PxJoint* PxD6JointCreate_Prismatic ( PxPhysics physics,
PxRigidActor actor0,
const PxVec3 localPos0,
PxRigidActor actor1,
const PxVec3 localPos1,
const PxVec3 axis,
float  minLimit,
float  maxLimit,
bool  useD6 

Helper function to create a prismatic joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxPrismaticJoint.

This function enforces that the joint frames have the same orientation, which is a local frame whose X is the desired translation axis. This orientation is computed by the function, so users only have to define the desired translation axis (typically 1;0;0 or 0;1;0 or 0;0;1).

The translation can be limited. Limits are enforced if minLimit<maxLimit. If minLimit=maxLimit the axis is locked. If minLimit>maxLimit the limits are not enforced and the axis is free. The limit values are computed relative to the position of actor0's joint frame.

The function creates hard limits, and uses PhysX's default contact distance parameter.

[in]physicsThe physics SDK
[in]actor0An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos0The position of the joint relative to actor0
[in]actor1An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos1The position of the joint relative to actor1
[in]axisThe axis along which objects are allowed to move, expressed in the actors' local space
[in]minLimitThe minimum allowed position along the axis
[in]maxLimitThe maximum allowed position along the axis
[in]useD6True to use a PxD6Joint, false to use a PxPrismaticJoint;
The created joint.
See also
PxD6Joint PxPrismaticJoint

◆ PxD6JointCreate_Pyramid()

PxJoint* PxD6JointCreate_Pyramid ( PxPhysics physics,
PxRigidActor actor0,
const PxVec3 localPos0,
PxRigidActor actor1,
const PxVec3 localPos1,
const PxVec3 axis,
float  minLimit1,
float  maxLimit1,
float  minLimit2,
float  maxLimit2 

Helper function to create a D6 joint with pyramidal swing limits.

This function supports a pyramid limit shape, defined by two pairs of angular limit values. This can be used to create an asymmetric pyramid. If the angular limit values are symmetric (i.e. minLimit1=-maxLimit1 and minLimit2=-maxLimit2) then the pyramid axis is the X axis in actor0's space. By default minLimit1/maxLimit1 are limits around the joint's Y axis, and minLimit2/maxLimit2 are limits around the joint's Z axis.

The function creates hard limits, and uses PhysX's default contact distance parameter.

Limits are expressed in radians. Allowed range is ]-PI;PI[.

The pyramid axis is equivalent to the twist axis for the D6 joint. The twist motion is not limited.

[in]physicsThe physics SDK
[in]actor0An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos0The position of the joint relative to actor0
[in]actor1An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos1The position of the joint relative to actor1
[in]axisThe pyramid axis, expressed in the actors' local space
[in]minLimit1Min angular limit along the joint frame's second axis (first axis = pyramid axis)
[in]maxLimit1Max angular limit along the joint frame's second axis (first axis = pyramid axis)
[in]minLimit2Min angular limit along the joint frame's third axis (first axis = pyramid axis)
[in]maxLimit2Max angular limit along the joint frame's third axis (first axis = pyramid axis)
The created joint.
See also

◆ PxD6JointCreate_Revolute()

PxJoint* PxD6JointCreate_Revolute ( PxPhysics physics,
PxRigidActor actor0,
const PxVec3 localPos0,
PxRigidActor actor1,
const PxVec3 localPos1,
const PxVec3 axis,
float  minLimit,
float  maxLimit,
bool  useD6 

Helper function to create a revolute joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxRevoluteJoint.

This function enforces that the joint frames have the same orientation, which is a local frame whose X is the desired rotation axis. This orientation is computed by the function, so users only have to define the desired rotation axis (typically 1;0;0 or 0;1;0 or 0;0;1).

The rotation can be limited. Limits are enforced if minLimit<maxLimit. If minLimit=maxLimit the axis is locked. If minLimit>maxLimit the limits are not enforced and the axis is free. The limit values are computed relative to the rotation of actor0's joint frame.

The function creates hard limits, and uses PhysX's default contact distance parameter.

Limits are expressed in radians. Allowed range is ]-2*PI;+2*PI[

[in]physicsThe physics SDK
[in]actor0An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos0The position of the joint relative to actor0
[in]actor1An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos1The position of the joint relative to actor1
[in]axisThe axis around which objects are allowed to move, expressed in the actors' local space
[in]minLimitThe minimum allowed rotation along the axis
[in]maxLimitThe maximum allowed rotation along the axis
[in]useD6True to use a PxD6Joint, false to use a PxRevoluteJoint;
The created joint.
See also
PxD6Joint PxRevoluteJoint

◆ PxD6JointCreate_Spherical()

PxJoint* PxD6JointCreate_Spherical ( PxPhysics physics,
PxRigidActor actor0,
const PxVec3 localPos0,
PxRigidActor actor1,
const PxVec3 localPos1,
const PxVec3 axis,
float  limit1,
float  limit2,
bool  useD6 

Helper function to create a spherical joint, using either a PxD6Joint or PxSphericalJoint.

This function supports a cone limit shape, defined by a cone axis and two angular limit values.

This function enforces that the joint frames have the same orientation, which is a local frame whose X is the desired cone axis. This orientation is computed by the function, so users only have to define the desired cone axis (typically 1;0;0 or 0;1;0 or 0;0;1).

The rotations can be limited. Limits are enforced if limit1>0 and limit2>0. Otherwise the motion is free. The limit values define an ellipse, which is the cross-section of the cone limit shape.

The function creates hard limits, and uses PhysX's default contact distance parameter.

Limits are expressed in radians. Allowed range is ]0;PI[. Limits are symmetric around the cone axis.

The cone axis is equivalent to the twist axis for the D6 joint. The twist motion is not limited.

[in]physicsThe physics SDK
[in]actor0An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos0The position of the joint relative to actor0
[in]actor1An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localPos1The position of the joint relative to actor1
[in]axisThe cone axis, expressed in the actors' local space
[in]limit1Max angular limit for the ellipse along the joint frame's second axis (first axis = cone axis)
[in]limit2Max angular limit for the ellipse along the joint frame's third axis (first axis = cone axis)
[in]useD6True to use a PxD6Joint, false to use a PxSphericalJoint;
The created joint.
See also
PxD6Joint PxSphericalJoint

◆ PxDefaultCpuDispatcherCreate()

PxDefaultCpuDispatcher* PxDefaultCpuDispatcherCreate ( PxU32  numThreads,
PxU32 affinityMasks = NULL 

Create default dispatcher, extensions SDK needs to be initialized first.

[in]numThreadsNumber of worker threads the dispatcher should use.
[in]affinityMasksArray with affinity mask for each thread. If not defined, default masks will be used.
numThreads may be zero in which case no worker thread are initialized and simulation tasks will be executed on the thread that calls PxScene::simulate()
See also

◆ PxDefaultSimulationFilterShader()

PxFilterFlags PxDefaultSimulationFilterShader ( PxFilterObjectAttributes  attributes0,
PxFilterData  filterData0,
PxFilterObjectAttributes  attributes1,
PxFilterData  filterData1,
PxPairFlags pairFlags,
const void *  constantBlock,
PxU32  constantBlockSize 

Implementation of a simple filter shader that emulates PhysX 2.8.x filtering.

This shader provides the following logic:

Filter mask logic: Given the two PxFilterData structures fd0 and fd1 of two collision objects, the pair passes the filter if the following conditions are met:

1) Collision groups of the pair are enabled 2) Collision filtering equation is satisfied

See also

◆ PxDistanceJointCreate()

PxDistanceJoint* PxDistanceJointCreate ( PxPhysics physics,
PxRigidActor actor0,
const PxTransform localFrame0,
PxRigidActor actor1,
const PxTransform localFrame1 

Create a distance Joint.

[in]physicsThe physics SDK
[in]actor0An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localFrame0The position and orientation of the joint relative to actor0
[in]actor1An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localFrame1The position and orientation of the joint relative to actor1
See also

◆ PxFindFaceIndex()

PxU32 PxFindFaceIndex ( const PxConvexMeshGeometry convexGeom,
const PxTransform geomPose,
const PxVec3 impactPos,
const PxVec3 unitDir 

Computes closest polygon of the convex hull geometry for a given impact point and impact direction. When doing sweeps against a scene, one might want to delay the rather expensive computation of the hit face index for convexes until it is clear the information is really needed and then use this method to get the corresponding face index.

[in]convexGeomThe convex mesh geometry.
[in]geomPosePose for the geometry object.
[in]impactPosImpact position.
[in]unitDirNormalized impact direction.
Closest face index of the convex geometry.
See also
PxTransform PxConvexMeshGeometry

◆ PxFixedJointCreate()

PxFixedJoint* PxFixedJointCreate ( PxPhysics physics,
PxRigidActor actor0,
const PxTransform localFrame0,
PxRigidActor actor1,
const PxTransform localFrame1 

Create a fixed joint.

[in]physicsThe physics SDK
[in]actor0An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localFrame0The position and orientation of the joint relative to actor0
[in]actor1An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localFrame1The position and orientation of the joint relative to actor1
See also

◆ PxGetFilterBool()

bool PxGetFilterBool ( )

Retrieves filtering's boolean value. See comments for PxGroupsMask.

flag Boolean value for filter.
See also
PxSetFilterBool PxSetFilterConstants

◆ PxGetFilterConstants()

void PxGetFilterConstants ( PxGroupsMask c0,
PxGroupsMask c1 

Gets filtering constant K0 and K1. See comments for PxGroupsMask.

[out]c0the filtering constants, as a mask. See PxGroupsMask.
[out]c1the filtering constants, as a mask. See PxGroupsMask.
See also
PxSetFilterOps PxSetFilterBool PxSetFilterConstants

◆ PxGetFilterOps()

void PxGetFilterOps ( PxFilterOp::Enum op0,
PxFilterOp::Enum op1,
PxFilterOp::Enum op2 

Retrieves filtering operation. See comments for PxGroupsMask.

[out]op0First filter operator.
[out]op1Second filter operator.
[out]op2Third filter operator.
See also
PxSetFilterOps PxSetFilterBool PxSetFilterConstants

◆ PxGetGroup()

PxU16 PxGetGroup ( const PxActor actor)

Retrieves the value set with PxSetGroup()

Collision group is an integer between 0 and 31.
[in]actorThe actor
The collision group this actor belongs to
See also

◆ PxGetGroupCollisionFlag()

bool PxGetGroupCollisionFlag ( const PxU16  group1,
const PxU16  group2 

Determines if collision detection is performed between a pair of groups.

Collision group is an integer between 0 and 31.
[in]group1First Group
[in]group2Second Group
True if the groups could collide
See also

◆ PxGetGroupsMask()

PxGroupsMask PxGetGroupsMask ( const PxActor actor)

Gets 64-bit mask used for collision filtering. See comments for PxGroupsMask.

[in]actorThe actor
The group mask for the actor.
See also

◆ PxInitExtensions()

PX_C_EXPORT bool PX_CALL_CONV PxInitExtensions ( physx::PxPhysics &  physics,
physx::PxPvd *  pvd 

Initialize the PhysXExtensions library.

This should be called before calling any functions or methods in extensions which may require allocation.

This function does not need to be called before creating a PxDefaultAllocator object.
physicsa PxPhysics object
pvdan PxPvd (PhysX Visual Debugger) object
See also
PxCloseExtensions PxFoundation PxPhysics

◆ PxPrismaticJointCreate()

PxPrismaticJoint* PxPrismaticJointCreate ( PxPhysics physics,
PxRigidActor actor0,
const PxTransform localFrame0,
PxRigidActor actor1,
const PxTransform localFrame1 

Create a prismatic joint.

[in]physicsThe physics SDK
[in]actor0An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localFrame0The position and orientation of the joint relative to actor0
[in]actor1An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localFrame1The position and orientation of the joint relative to actor1
See also

◆ PxRevoluteJointCreate()

PxRevoluteJoint* PxRevoluteJointCreate ( PxPhysics physics,
PxRigidActor actor0,
const PxTransform localFrame0,
PxRigidActor actor1,
const PxTransform localFrame1 

Create a revolute joint.

[in]physicsThe physics SDK
[in]actor0An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localFrame0The position and orientation of the joint relative to actor0
[in]actor1An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localFrame1The position and orientation of the joint relative to actor1
See also

◆ PxScaleRigidActor()

void PxScaleRigidActor ( PxRigidActor actor,
PxReal  scale,
bool  scaleMassProps = true 

scale a rigid actor by a uniform scale

The geometry and relative positions of the actor are multiplied by the given scale value. If the actor is a rigid body or an articulation link and the scaleMassProps value is true, the mass properties are scaled assuming the density is constant: the center of mass is linearly scaled, the mass is multiplied by the cube of the scale, and the inertia tensor by the fifth power of the scale.

[in]actora rigid actor
[in]scalethe scale by which to multiply the actor. Must be >0.
[in]scaleMassPropswhether to scale the mass properties

◆ PxSetFilterBool()

void PxSetFilterBool ( const bool  enable)

Setups filtering's boolean value. See comments for PxGroupsMask.

[in]enableBoolean value for filter.
See also
PxSetFilterOps PxSsetFilterConstants

◆ PxSetFilterConstants()

void PxSetFilterConstants ( const PxGroupsMask c0,
const PxGroupsMask c1 

Setups filtering's K0 and K1 value. See comments for PxGroupsMask.

[in]c0The new group mask. See PxGroupsMask.
[in]c1The new group mask. See PxGroupsMask.
See also
PxSetFilterOps PxSetFilterBool PxGetFilterConstants

◆ PxSetFilterOps()

void PxSetFilterOps ( const PxFilterOp::Enum op0,
const PxFilterOp::Enum op1,
const PxFilterOp::Enum op2 

Setups filtering operations. See comments for PxGroupsMask.

[in]op0Filter op 0.
[in]op1Filter op 1.
[in]op2Filter op 2.
See also
PxSetFilterBool PxSetFilterConstants

◆ PxSetGroup()

void PxSetGroup ( PxActor actor,
const PxU16  collisionGroup 

Sets which collision group this actor is part of.

Collision group is an integer between 0 and 31.
[in]actorThe actor
[in]collisionGroupCollision group this actor belongs to
See also

◆ PxSetGroupCollisionFlag()

void PxSetGroupCollisionFlag ( const PxU16  group1,
const PxU16  group2,
const bool  enable 

Specifies if collision should be performed by a pair of groups.

Collision group is an integer between 0 and 31.
[in]group1First Group
[in]group2Second Group
[in]enableTrue to enable collision between the groups
See also

◆ PxSetGroupsMask()

void PxSetGroupsMask ( PxActor actor,
const PxGroupsMask mask 

Sets 64-bit mask used for collision filtering. See comments for PxGroupsMask.

[in]actorThe actor
[in]maskThe group mask to set for the actor.
See also

◆ PxSetJointGlobalFrame()

PX_C_EXPORT void PX_CALL_CONV PxSetJointGlobalFrame ( physx::PxJoint &  joint,
const physx::PxVec3 *  wsAnchor,
const physx::PxVec3 *  wsAxis 

Helper function to setup a joint's global frame.

This replaces the following functions from previous SDK versions:

void NxJointDesc::setGlobalAnchor(const NxVec3& wsAnchor); void NxJointDesc::setGlobalAxis(const NxVec3& wsAxis);

The function sets the joint's localPose using world-space input parameters.

[in]wsAnchorGlobal frame anchor point. Range: position vector
[in]wsAxisGlobal frame axis. Range: direction vector
[in,out]jointJoint having its global frame set.

◆ PxSphericalJointCreate()

PxSphericalJoint* PxSphericalJointCreate ( PxPhysics physics,
PxRigidActor actor0,
const PxTransform localFrame0,
PxRigidActor actor1,
const PxTransform localFrame1 

Create a spherical joint.

[in]physicsThe physics SDK
[in]actor0An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localFrame0The position and orientation of the joint relative to actor0
[in]actor1An actor to which the joint is attached. NULL may be used to attach the joint to a specific point in the world frame
[in]localFrame1The position and orientation of the joint relative to actor1
See also