Raycast-CCD manager.
Raycast-CCD is a simple and potentially cheaper alternative to the SDK's built-in continuous collision detection algorithm.
This implementation has some limitations:
Also, since it is raycast-based, the solution is not perfect. In particular:
- small dynamic objects can still go through the static world if the ray goes through a crack between edges, or a small hole in the world (like the keyhole from a door).
- dynamic-vs-dynamic CCD is very approximate. It only works well for fast-moving dynamic objects colliding against slow-moving dynamic objects.
Finally, since it is using the SDK's scene queries under the hood, it only works provided the simulation shapes also have scene-query shapes associated with them. That is, if the objects in the scene only use PxShapeFlag::eSIMULATION_SHAPE (and no PxShapeFlag::eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE), then the raycast-CCD system will not work.