This is the complete list of members for PxPhysics, including all inherited members.
createAggregate(PxU32 maxSize, bool enableSelfCollision)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createArticulation()=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createCloth(const PxTransform &globalPose, PxClothFabric &fabric, const PxClothParticle *particles, PxClothFlags flags)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createClothFabric(PxInputStream &stream)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createClothFabric(const PxClothFabricDesc &desc)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createConstraint(PxRigidActor *actor0, PxRigidActor *actor1, PxConstraintConnector &connector, const PxConstraintShaderTable &shaders, PxU32 dataSize)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createConvexMesh(PxInputStream &stream)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createHeightField(const PxHeightFieldDesc &heightFieldDesc)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createHeightField(PxInputStream &stream)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createMaterial(PxReal staticFriction, PxReal dynamicFriction, PxReal restitution)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createParticleFluid(PxU32 maxParticles, bool perParticleRestOffset=false)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createParticleSystem(PxU32 maxParticles, bool perParticleRestOffset=false)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createRigidDynamic(const PxTransform &pose)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createRigidStatic(const PxTransform &pose)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createScene(const PxSceneDesc &sceneDesc)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createShape(const PxGeometry &geometry, const PxMaterial &material, bool isExclusive=false, PxShapeFlags shapeFlags=PxShapeFlag::eVISUALIZATION|PxShapeFlag::eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE|PxShapeFlag::eSIMULATION_SHAPE) | PxPhysics | inline |
createShape(const PxGeometry &geometry, PxMaterial *const *materials, PxU16 materialCount, bool isExclusive=false, PxShapeFlags shapeFlags=PxShapeFlag::eVISUALIZATION|PxShapeFlag::eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE|PxShapeFlag::eSIMULATION_SHAPE)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
createTriangleMesh(PxInputStream &stream)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getClothFabrics(PxClothFabric **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize) const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getConvexMeshes(PxConvexMesh **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getFoundation()=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getHeightFields(PxHeightField **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getMaterials(PxMaterial **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getNbClothFabrics() const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getNbConvexMeshes() const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getNbHeightFields() const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getNbMaterials() const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getNbScenes() const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getNbShapes() const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getNbTriangleMeshes() const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getPhysicsInsertionCallback()=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getProfileZoneManager()=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getPvdConnectionManager()=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getScenes(PxScene **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getShapes(PxShape **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getTolerancesScale() const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getTriangleMeshes(PxTriangleMesh **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
getVisualDebugger()=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
registerDeletionListener(PxDeletionListener &observer, const PxDeletionEventFlags &deletionEvents, bool restrictedObjectSet=false)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
registerDeletionListenerObjects(PxDeletionListener &observer, const PxBase *const *observables, PxU32 observableCount)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
release()=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
unregisterDeletionListener(PxDeletionListener &observer)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
unregisterDeletionListenerObjects(PxDeletionListener &observer, const PxBase *const *observables, PxU32 observableCount)=0 | PxPhysics | pure virtual |
~PxPhysics() | PxPhysics | inlinevirtual |