30 #ifndef PX_VEHICLE_UPDATE_H 31 #define PX_VEHICLE_UPDATE_H 52 class PxVehicleTelemetryData;
248 friend class PxVehicleUpdate;
253 hitActorForce(
254 hitActorForcePosition(
275 friend class PxVehicleUpdate;
278 : concurrentWheelUpdates(NULL),
279 nbConcurrentWheelUpdates(0),
280 linearMomentumChange(
281 angularMomentumChange(
350 const bool* vehiclesToRaycast = NULL);
412 const bool* vehiclesToSweep = NULL,
413 const PxF32 sweepWidthScale = 1.0f,
const PxF32 sweepRadiusScale = 1.0f);
537 #if PX_DEBUG_VEHICLE_ON 567 void PxVehicleUpdateSingleVehicleAndStoreTelemetryData
571 PxVehicleTelemetryData& telemetryData);
579 #endif //PX_VEHICLE_UPDATE_H Definition: GuContactBuffer.h:37
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:250
bool isInAir
If suspension travel limits forbid the wheel from touching the drivable surface then isInAir is true...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:96
PxReal steerAngle
Steer angle of the wheel about the "up" vector accounting for input steer and toe and...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:213
PX_DEPRECATED PxBatchQueryResult< PxSweepHit > PxSweepQueryResult
Convenience typedef for the result of a batched sweep query.
Definition: PxBatchQueryDesc.h:105
Friction for each combination of driving surface type and tire type.
Definition: PxVehicleTireFriction.h:62
void PxVehicleSuspensionSweeps(PxBatchQuery *batchQuery, const PxU32 nbVehicles, PxVehicleWheels **vehicles, const PxU32 nbSceneQueryResults, PxSweepQueryResult *sceneQueryResults, const PxU16 nbHitsPerQuery, const bool *vehiclesToSweep=NULL, const PxF32 sweepWidthScale=1.0f, const PxF32 sweepRadiusScale=1.0f)
Perform sweeps for all suspension lines for all vehicles.
PxRigidDynamic represents a dynamic rigid simulation object in the physics SDK.
Definition: PxRigidDynamic.h:83
PxVec3 hitActorForcePosition
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:263
float PxF32
Definition: PxSimpleTypes.h:76
PxReal maxImpulse
maximum impulse the solver may apply to enforce this constraint
Definition: PxConstraintDesc.h:93
PxReal longitudinalSlip
Longitudinal slip of the tire.
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:197
PxVec3 suspLineDir
Directions of suspension line raycast/sweep used in the raycast/sweep completed immediately before Px...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:81
PxActor is the base class for the main simulation objects in the physics SDK.
Definition: PxActor.h:154
PxVec3 tireLongitudinalDir
Forward direction of the wheel/tire accounting for steer/toe/camber angle projected on to the contact...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:179
Abstract class for collision shapes.
Definition: PxShape.h:142
Batched queries object. This is used to perform several queries at the same time. ...
Definition: PxBatchQuery.h:57
float PxReal
Definition: PxSimpleTypes.h:78
uint32_t PxU32
Definition: PxSimpleTypes.h:71
PX_DEPRECATED PxBatchQueryResult< PxRaycastHit > PxRaycastQueryResult
Convenience typedef for the result of a batched raycast query.
Definition: PxBatchQueryDesc.h:102
PxTransform localPose
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:260
PxVec3 hitActorForce
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:262
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:221
PxU32 nbConcurrentWheelUpdates
The length of the concurrentWheelUpdates buffer. This value corresponds to the number of wheels in th...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:299
bool wakeup
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:306
const PxMaterial * tireSurfaceMaterial
PxMaterial instance of the driving surface under the corresponding vehicle wheel. ...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:117
PxU32 PxVehicleModifyWheelContacts(const PxVehicleWheels &vehicle, const PxU32 wheelId, const PxF32 wheelTangentVelocityMultiplier, const PxReal maxImpulse, PxContactModifyPair &contactModifyPair)
A function called from PxContactModifyCallback::onContactModify. The function determines if rigid bod...
Structure containing data that is computed for a vehicle and its wheels during concurrent calls to Px...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:273
PxTransform localPose
Local pose of the wheel.
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:218
PxReal suspLineLength
Lengths of suspension line raycast/sweep used in raycast/sweep completed immediately before PxVehicle...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:88
PxVec3 angularMomentumChange
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:304
PxWheelQueryResult * wheelQueryResults
Pointer to an PxWheelQueryResult buffer of length nbWheelQueryResults The wheelQueryResults buffer mu...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:231
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:61
PxU32 nbWheelQueryResults
The length of the wheelQueryResults buffer. This value corresponds to the number of wheels in the ass...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:237
PxRigidDynamic * hitActor
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:261
bool staySleeping
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:305
PxReal suspJounce
Compression of the suspension spring.
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:162
PxU32 tireSurfaceType
Surface type integer that corresponds to the mapping between tireSurfaceMaterial and integer as descr...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:128
PxVec3 tireContactPoint
Point on the drivable surface hit by the most recent suspension raycast or sweep. ...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:135
PxReal suspSpringForce
Magnitude of force applied by the suspension spring along the direction of suspension travel...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:171
PxReal lateralSlip
Lateral slip of the tire.
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:207
PxShape * tireContactShape
PxShape instance of the driving surface under the corresponding vehicle wheel.
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:110
Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with just wheels...
Definition: PxVehicleWheels.h:676
PxVec3 suspLineStart
Start point of suspension line raycast/sweep used in the raycast/sweep completed immediately before P...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:74
Material class to represent a set of surface properties.
Definition: PxMaterial.h:130
PxVehicleWheelConcurrentUpdateData * concurrentWheelUpdates
Pointer to an PxVehicleWheelConcurrentUpdate buffer of length nbConcurrentWheelUpdates The concurrent...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:293
PxReal tireFriction
Friction experienced by the tire for the combination of tire type and surface type after accounting f...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:152
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:277
PxVec3 linearMomentumChange
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:303
PxVec3 tireLateralDir
Lateral direction of the wheel/tire accounting for steer/toe/camber angle projected on to the contact...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:187
void PxVehicleSuspensionRaycasts(PxBatchQuery *batchQuery, const PxU32 nbVehicles, PxVehicleWheels **vehicles, const PxU32 nbSceneQueryResults, PxRaycastQueryResult *sceneQueryResults, const bool *vehiclesToRaycast=NULL)
Perform raycasts for all suspension lines for all vehicles.
uint16_t PxU16
Definition: PxSimpleTypes.h:73
PxVec3 tireContactNormal
Normal on the drivable surface at the hit point of the most recent suspension raycast or sweep...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:142
void PxVehicleUpdates(const PxReal timestep, const PxVec3 &gravity, const PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs &vehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs, const PxU32 nbVehicles, PxVehicleWheels **vehicles, PxVehicleWheelQueryResult *vehicleWheelQueryResults, PxVehicleConcurrentUpdateData *vehicleConcurrentUpdates=NULL)
Update an array of vehicles by either applying an acceleration to the rigid body actor associated wit...
uint32_t PxU32
Definition: Px.h:48
Structure containing data describing the non-persistent state of each suspension/wheel/tire unit...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:59
PX_FORCE_INLINE void * PxMemZero(void *dest, PxU32 count)
Sets the bytes of the provided buffer to zero.
Definition: PxMemory.h:54
Definition: PxVehicleTireFriction.h:53
PxActor * tireContactActor
PxActor instance of the driving surface under the corresponding vehicle wheel.
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:103
Structure containing data that is computed for a wheel during concurrent calls to PxVehicleUpdates bu...
Definition: PxVehicleUpdate.h:246
3 Element vector class.
Definition: PxVec3.h:49
void PxVehiclePostUpdates(const PxVehicleConcurrentUpdateData *vehicleConcurrentUpdates, const PxU32 nbVehicles, PxVehicleWheels **vehicles)
Apply actor changes that were computed in concurrent calls to PxVehicleUpdates but which could not be...
void PxVehicleShiftOrigin(const PxVec3 &shift, const PxU32 nbVehicles, PxVehicleWheels **vehicles)
Shift the origin of vehicles by the specified vector.