PxFoundation.h File Reference
#include "foundation/Px.h"
#include "foundation/PxErrors.h"
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:
PxPhysicsAPI.h PxDefaultStreams.h PxProfileZone.h PxExtensionsAPI.h

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class  PxFoundation
 Foundation SDK singleton class. More...




PX_C_EXPORT PX_FOUNDATION_API physx::PxFoundation *PX_CALL_CONV PxCreateFoundation (physx::PxU32 version, physx::PxAllocatorCallback &allocator, physx::PxErrorCallback &errorCallback)
 Creates an instance of the foundation class. More...
PX_C_EXPORT PX_FOUNDATION_API physx::PxFoundation &PX_CALL_CONV PxGetFoundation ()
 Retrieves the Foundation SDK after it has been created. More...
PX_C_EXPORT PX_FOUNDATION_API physx::PxProfilerCallback *PX_CALL_CONV PxGetProfilerCallback ()
 Get the callback that will be used for all profiling. More...
PX_C_EXPORT PX_FOUNDATION_API void PX_CALL_CONV PxSetProfilerCallback (physx::PxProfilerCallback *profiler)
 Set the callback that will be used for all profiling. More...