An EffectPackageActor represents an instantiation of a collection of related particle actors. An EffectPackage allows for multiple related particle actors to be instantiated as a single unit each relative to a central root pose transform. An effect package can combine one or more emitters as well as associated field samplers, heat sources, and forcefields. The combined EffectPackageActor can be subject to fully customizable level of detail culling and otherwise manipulated as a single unit.
EffectPackages are authored using the ‘ParticleEffectTool’ which allows the developer to rapidly prototype a combined ‘package of effects’ which link to shared resources. This is a PhysX 3.x only feature.
Each EffectPackageActor can have a set of level of detail optimizations applied to it. These are optional settings but can offer powerful control over how to cull effects within a game. There are two primary ways to cull an effect; based on distance from the camera and based on screen culling.
The following properties control how level of detail is applied to an effect package.
When a 3d point is projected into screen space the resulting projection translates as shown in the above image. The projected coordinate ranges from -1,-1 to +1,+1. Any projected point within these bounds can therefore be considered ‘on-screen’. However, an ‘effect’ is more than just a single point; it usually has a volume representing a large number of particles being emitted from a central location. Using the ‘ScreenCullSize’ parameter an additional border can be added to account for this. The artist/designer can adjust this value based on the overall size of the effect they are placing into the environment. In the image above note that even though the center of the effect is considered ‘off screen’ the boundary of the particles still intersects it. By adjusting ‘ScreenCullSize’ this extra border can be taken into account. Due to the nature of 3d to 2d projection you should not use screen space culling for effects which are extremely close to the camera. The value for ‘ScreenCullDistance’ will disable any screen culling for effects which are within this distance from the camera origin.
Not every effect you create necessarily needs screen-space culling. The designer should decide on a case by case basis whether or not this feature makes sense for the type of effect that is being created. In general, though, it is desirable to avoid creating effects that cannot be seen.
To use the screen-culling feature the application must provide the APEX SDK not only with a valid view matrix but a valid projection matrix as well.
One feature of the effect culling system is that it will prevent effects with a fixed lifetime duration from even being created if they are considered non-visible at the time they are spawned.
Each effect contained within an effect package can have unique properties relative to its instantiation into the scene. Primarily these properties are a parent relative transform and timing values. The user call also specifiy an arbitrary UserProperties field which the application can use for additional annotations if needed.
The following properties can be applied to any effect attached to an effect package.
If the effect is an emitter then there is an optional additional feature where the particle lifetime and/or emitter rate can be adjusted based on the velocity of the effect. Sometimes this is a useful feature if the particles need to have a higher rate and longer lifetime if the emitter is moving faster or slower.
For each option, adjusting the lifetime or adjusting the emitter rate, there are five properties that can be edited.
The ParticleEffectTool is a standalone Windows application that is designed to author all particle related asset types.
You can configure some defaults for how the PET runs by editing the file ‘ParticleEffectToolPublic.ini’
The first section, DATABASES, controls where the assets authored with the PET are stored. By default all of the raw source APEX assets are stored as XML/APX files into the subdirectory ‘particle_databases’. The combined runtime binary files are stored in ‘publish_particle_databases’.
When using APEX effect packages, binary files representing all of the various interelated assets which were authored for your title are pre-loaded on startup. Details about this process will be covered in the programmer’s guide.
You do not have to use this process or effect packages at all to take advantage of the ParticleEffectTool. If all you want to do is use this tool to author individual particle effect files which you load and manage individually in your project, you can do that too.
Currently the ParticleEffectTool does not yet support organizing assets into sub-directories or browsing files from various locations on a hard drive. Today you simply place all asset files associated with a particular project into a single sub-directory as identified by the configuration .INI file mentioned above. Future releases may introduce the concept of a ‘workspace’, the ability to browse files from any location on a hard drive, and/or subdirectories. The workflow for this, however, introduces a lot more complexity in terms of how fully qualified names are resolved and some other issues. With this initial release, simply organize all related ‘effects’ you might be working on into a single directory for now.
The ‘OPTIONS’ section of the INI file controls the following features.
When using the PET to edit assets, each is saved out to a unique filename which can be loaded by your own application.
EffectPackageEffectPackages | Particles | PARTICLES_EFFECT_PACKAGE_AUTHORING_TYPE_NAME | EffectPackageAssetParams |
EffectPackageEmitters | Emitter | APEX_EMITTER_AUTHORING_TYPE_NAME | ApexEmitterAssetParameters |
EffectPackageFieldSamplers | ForceField,BasicFS | SEVERAL | SEVERAL |
EffectPackageGraphicsEffects | IOFX | IOFX_AUTORING_TYPE_NAME | IofxAssetParameters |
EffectPackageGraphicsMaterials | Particles | Not an APEX asset | GraphicsMaterialData |
EffectPackageParticleSimulations | ParticlesIOS, BasicIOS | BASIC_IOS_AUTHORING_TYPE_NAME (and PARTICLE_IOS) | BasicIOSAssetParam, ParticleIosAssetParam |
Any one of these asset files can be loaded and used by an application as individual discrete assets. However, another way you can use this is to ‘publish’ all of the files authored using PET into binary versions which can combine all of the data into a single resource. These assets are all quite small, comprising little more than a set of numbers defining various properties. If you choose to use the ‘publish’ option you will get, as a result, ten binaries files (.APB) which can be preloaded up front by your project and registered with the Particles module.
When the APEX named resource provider asks for an asset, rather than going out to disk or in some other fashion retreiving the individual asset, you have the option of just immediately returning the version which was preloaded via the published output. You could then combine dozens, or even hundreds, of particle related assets into just these ten files.
EffectPackageEffectPackagesDatabase.apb | Contains an array of all EffectPackage assets authored in PET |
EffectPackageEmittersDatabase.apb | Contains an array of all Emitter assets authored in PET |
EffectPackageFieldSamplersDatabase.apb | Contains an array of all FieldSampler related assets authored in PET |
EffectPackageGraphicsEffectsDatabase.apb | Contains an arary of all IOFX assets authored in PET |
EffectPackageGraphicsMaterialsDatabase.apb | Contains an array of all Graphics Material properties authored in PET; not required |
EffectPackageParticleSimulationsDatabase.apb | Contains an array of all BasicIOS and ParticleIOS assets authored in PET |