PxBounds3 Member List

This is the complete list of members for PxBounds3, including all inherited members.

basisExtent(const PxVec3 &center, const PxMat33 &basis, const PxVec3 &extent)PxBounds3 [static]
boundsOfPoints(const PxVec3 &v0, const PxVec3 &v1)PxBounds3 [static]
centerExtents(const PxVec3 &center, const PxVec3 &extent)PxBounds3 [static]
contains(const PxVec3 &v) const PxBounds3
empty()PxBounds3 [static]
fattenFast(float distance)PxBounds3
fattenSafe(float distance)PxBounds3
getCenter() const PxBounds3
getCenter(uint32_t axis) const PxBounds3
getDimensions() const PxBounds3
getExtents(uint32_t axis) const PxBounds3
getExtents() const PxBounds3
include(const PxVec3 &v)PxBounds3
include(const PxBounds3 &b)PxBounds3
intersects(const PxBounds3 &b) const PxBounds3
intersects1D(const PxBounds3 &a, uint32_t axis) const PxBounds3
isEmpty() const PxBounds3
isFinite() const PxBounds3
isInside(const PxBounds3 &box) const PxBounds3
isValid() const PxBounds3
poseExtent(const PxTransform &pose, const PxVec3 &extent)PxBounds3 [static]
PxBounds3()PxBounds3 [inline]
PxBounds3(const PxVec3 &minimum, const PxVec3 &maximum)PxBounds3
scaleFast(float scale)PxBounds3
scaleSafe(float scale)PxBounds3
transformFast(const PxMat33 &matrix, const PxBounds3 &bounds)PxBounds3 [static]
transformFast(const PxTransform &transform, const PxBounds3 &bounds)PxBounds3 [static]
transformSafe(const PxMat33 &matrix, const PxBounds3 &bounds)PxBounds3 [static]
transformSafe(const PxTransform &transform, const PxBounds3 &bounds)PxBounds3 [static]

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