Cmake is automatically obtained using nvidia’s packman scripts for all platforms (except for Android). Internet connection is required for this.
For windows: Download and install the following dependencies:
Edit scripts/locate_cuda.bat to point to the CUDA installation folder (that contains the bin, include and lib folder), edit scripts/locate_win8sdk.bat to point to the windows SDK (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1 by default)
Run CmakeGenerateAll.bat to generate the visual studio solution files in compiler/vcXXwinXX-cmake/. For example Visual Studio 2015 solution with 64-bit target processor will be placed to compiler/vc14win64-cmake/ folder. Then open NvCloth.sln, choose the release/debug configuration and build the solution. The library binaries will be put to the bin folder next to the compiler folder.
The above project generation script has optional command line arguments to control whether CUDA/DX11 solvers should be enabled:
CmakeGenerateProjects.bat <0|1:use_cuda (default is 1)> <0|1:use_dx11 (default is 1)>
CmakeGenerateProjects.bat 1 0
will include CUDA solver into the compilation but exclude the DX11 solver.
Run samples/CmakeGenerateProjects.bat to generate the visual studio solution files for the samples in samples/compiler/vc14winXX-cmake/CmakeGenerateProjects.bat. You need to build assimp first before building the samples. Run E:\nx0\sw\devrel\libdev\NvCloth\trunk\samples\external\assimp-4.1.0 and build samples\external\assimp-4.1.0\compiler\vc14winXX-cmake\Assimp.sln
Run to generate make files in compiler/linux64-XXXXX-cmake/
Enable or disable CUDA support by simply changing the following line in the script included to the distribution:
export USE_CUDA=0 # 0 for disable 1 for enable
Run script. It will generate various makefile-based projects in the compiler folder. Choose the one you need, e.g.:
cd compiler/linux64-release-cmake
then run the build process (using 5 compilation processes in parallel):
make --jobs=5
The library binaries will be put to the bin folder next to the compiler folder.
Note: In case you run the Linux project generation scripts and see an error like this:
env: bash\r: No such file or directory
this command will help to fix the line endings:
sed $'s/\r$//' > && mv && chmod +x
or use your favorite text editor.
Running will generate xcode-based projects (32-bit and 64-bit) in the compiler folder. Choose the one you need, e.g. cd compiler/osx64-cmake, open the project in XCode and build inside the IDE. Alternatively you can use to build everything from the command line.
The library binaries will be put to the bin folder next to the compiler folder.
Note: In case if you run the Mac project generation scripts and see an error like this:
env: bash\r: No such file or directory
this command will help to fix the line endings:
sed $'s/\r$//' > && mv && chmod +x
Running will generate xcode-based project in the compiler/ios-cmake folder. After the generation is done, just open the project in XCode and build inside the IDE.
The target iOS deployment version is 8.0 by default (can be changed inside the project generator script).
Alternatively you can use to build everything from the command line.
Download and install CMake 3.7 from Edit scripts/locate_cmake.bat to point to the cmake executable.
Download NDK from (tested versions are r15c, r13b, r12b). Set ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variable to point to the root NDK folder. Run project generation script:
CmakeGenerateAndroid.bat release
You need cmake to be in your PATH.
Go to compiler\android-arm64-v8a-release-cmake folder and run:
cmake --build . -- -j5
The library binaries will be put to the bin folder next to the compiler folder.
Note: To be able to build the Android binaries using CMake you need to make sure a certain folders in your NDK point to needed binaries. Specifically, you need to create a symlink/copy/rename:
Newer NDK versions might not require doing that at all, but some versions do.