Location of win32 and win64 Binaries:
- SDK DLLs/LIBs: bin/
- PhysX Device DLLs: bin/
Required packages to generate projects:
- CMake, minimum version 3.12 (3.13.4 for uwp arm64, 3.14 for vc16win*)
- Python, minimum version 2.7.6
Required packages for building and running the Samples:
- Microsoft DirectX SDK June 2010 or later
PhysX GPU Acceleration:
- Requires CUDA 10.0 compatible display driver and CUDA ARCH 3.0 compatible GPU
Generating solutions for Visual Studio:
- Solutions are generated through a script in physx root directory: generate_projects.bat
- Script generate_projects.bat expects a preset name as a parameter, if a parameter is not provided it does list the available presets.
- Supported presets for windows platform are: vc12win32, vc12win64, vc14win32, vc14win64, vc15win32, vc15win64, vc16win32, vc16win64, vc15uwp*.
- Generated solutions are in folder compiler/"preset name".
Building SDK Source, Snippets and Samples with Visual Studio:
- Visual Studio Solutions are in compiler/"preset name"
- The PhysXDevice/64.dll must be redistributed with GPU-enabled applications, and must live in the PhysXGpu.dll directory.
- The nvcuda.dll and PhysXUpdateLoader/64.dll are loaded and checked for the NVIDIA Corporation digital signature. The signature is expected on all NVIDIA Corporation provided dlls. The application will exit if the signature check failed.
- UWP does not support snippets.
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